Team America & Solo WOD: Chipper: KB Swings, Burpees, Toes-to-bars, Snatch (Any style), and Wall Balls

Team America

*In teams of two complete:

100 KBS (53/35)
50 Burpees
30 T2B
10 Snatches (any style) (155/105)
30 T2B
50 Burpees
100 Partner Wall Balls (20/14)

For time.

Notes: All reps may be apportioned in any way between the teammates, but only one teammate may be working at a time (example: if one teammate wants to perform all 100 Burpees they may). The only exception is the Partner Wall Balls. Partner Wall Balls must be performed by teammates alternating Wall Ball shots.

Solo WOD: Chipper: KB Swings, Burpees, Toes-to-bars, Snatch (Any style), and Wall Balls

For time:
40 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
25 Burpees
15 Toes-to-bars
7 Snatches (155/105)
15 Toes-to-bars
25 Burpees
40 Wall Balls (20/14)

Photo by @snoridgecrossfit
