Team WOD: Runs, Power Clean & Jerks, Box Jumps

SnoRidge CrossFit_Outside DLTeam WOD: Runs, Power Clean & Jerks, Box Jumps

As A Team of 2, Complete For Time:
800 m Run (as a team)
40 Power Clean & Jerks (135#/95#)
20 Box Jumps (30″/24″ Games standard)
400 m Run (as a team)
30 Power Clean & Jerks
30 Box Jumps
200 m Run (as a team)
20 Power Clean & Jerks
40 Box Jumps

* Alternate reps as needed with your partner, box jumps must stand up on top of box
** One bar, one box
Post total time.


Photo by @robcwilson

We are wrapping up the 2016 CrossFit Games and what a memorable experience this year was!  The Games ended with 2 repeats (women and Team) and one new champ that has been knocking at the door for the past two years. We had groups that totaled 14 people from the gym all go down to make it their vacation to watch some pretty brutal but entertaining tests. I personally loved watching this years Games and while I really have a hard time ranking the 8 that we have attended; I would say the combination of the programming, changes in set up and layout, weather, and final year in Carson made it one of the top times we have seen the Games. Where it will end up next year is the biggest question they have to answer.

Fraser Wins First Games, Davidsdottir Repeats
