Team WOD: Tag Team Grace

Brett S_Clean_by Rob WTag Team “Grace”

In teams of 2, complete for time:

90 Clean & Jerks (135#/95#)
* One partner works at a time
Post total time


Saturday was our “End of the Open” party with a paleo food truck, team WOD, and lots of sore legs. Great to see a good turnout for both the workout and the food.

Monday is the last day for those registered to make-up 15.5. Your options are 6am, 8:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am. I don’t recommend the 4pm due to the time this workout takes but if you need to wait until then you better show up and move with a purpose to get warm-up and ready.

Summing up the 2015 Open I was going to do a write-up but instead I’ll share what Jeremy posted about it as he sums it up perfectly.

“Another year of Friday night lights over….I think this was the funnest yet. Congrats to all the first time open peeps, first time muscle-up peeps, first time HSPU peeps and anyone that tried their best. Remember to celebrate what your body can do and don’t focus on the things it can’t. 

Our gym gets better every year and it was a blast watching everyone compete…if you didn’t compete this year for whatever reason it’s time to start getting ready for next year. You won’t regret it.” ~ Jeremy


Results Open 15.5 RX and Scaled