Thursday 8/26 Schedule Update!

No 5pm and 7pm class this Thursday! The gym will be CLOSED for the afternoon! 

Lululemon logo medium 

We will be performing a CrossFit WOD Demo for our friends from lululemon athletica (Bellevue Square) at their “5” Fitness Function as part of the 2010 Vogue Fall Fashion Week in Bellevue. The event will be at the Hyatt Regency in Bellevue at 7:30pm. 

Tickets are half off ($20 each) and 100% of the cost will benefit Islandwood, an outdoor learning center for children on Bainbridge Island (watch a video of the amazing environmental education facility). Tickets include two drinks to have at the event prior to the show. Buy them in the box or at the door and let us know ASAP if you plan to go!

If you want to see the latest lululemon gear as well as some pretty cool athletic stage performances then come check it out. Michelle, Moe, Kim, Kelly, Nadia, Laurie, Mark, Jeremy, Allen, Eric and I will all be doing a synchronized mini WOD with barbells, kettlebells, and jump ropes on stage. Some of the other acts will be a professional dance group, some amazing acro-yoga, breakdancing, a sports and conditioning demo, children performers and more. It’ll be a good time!


Today is our 500th post! Cool milestone!

10 Rounds for time:

10 Thrusters (95#/65#)
10 Ring Push-ups 


For time:

Run 5k


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Railroad Days Race Results

Coe_M and Rona

Army Sgt. Keith Adam Coe, 30 years old, of 1-37 FA (Field Artillery) from Joint Base Lewis-McChord died April 27, 2010 from wounds sustained in an attack by enemy forces in Iraq. RIP.

Michelle and Rona shaking it out during “Coe”:

Shaking it out

Today a good size group tackled the Hero WOD “Coe” while another group went and represented well in the Railroad Days 5k and 10k race. We had 6 runners for the 5k, 4 runners for the 10k, and 6 CrossFit kids complete the 1k! Great turnout and even better results. A majority of the runners finished 1st, 2nd, or 3rd for their age category overall. 


Marc with a perfect “POSE“:


lululemon Ambassadors!

So today we received some awesome news and we wanted to share it with the box. After the WOD we got a surprise when we were asked to be ambassadors for lululemon athletica at Bellevue Square. What does this mean? We have been selected, along with several other trainers that represent different types of athletic training and gyms in the area, to represent the culture and active lifestyle of lululemon. Stores worldwide select ambassadors based on their community involvement, dedication to their area of expertise, and overall passion for fitness. We are both honored and excited and are looking forward to being part of another community that loves good people and good health!

With the lulu crew (Ashley, Lauren, Steven and Petra) and the epic poster that Steven made for us:


Oh and if you don’t know what lululemon is then go to their site and check out their sick clothes! Or just go into any CrossFit gym and look around.

"2 for 1"

WOD Choice today!

3 Rounds for time:

50 Double-Unders
50 Wall Balls (20#/14#)


3 Rounds for time:

50 Double-Unders
25 “2 for 1” Wall Balls (20#/14#)


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Steven and Lucy WB Shots

Choice day! Pick either double wall balls (also called 2 for 1’s since you throw it up to the target and then complete 2 squats) with double-unders or do 50 of them for three rounds with 150 double-unders. Either way this ones mean.

See that little blurb in the upper right corner of the site? The one that says “World Class Fitness in 100 Words”? Ever read it? If you do read it how much of it do you follow? The last sentence is one (along with nutrition) of the things that most of us CrossFitters likely don’t do. It’s the part that says “Regularly learn and play new sports.” The CrossFit Journal is kicking off a cool new series devoted to learning and playing new sports. It’s called the Sport Series. If we are going to train to be generally prepared physically for most challenges as well as call it the Sport of Fitness, then why not apply it to new sports? By the way, anyone want to try stand-up paddleboarding?

CrossFit Journal Stand-up Paddleboard Race [wmv] [mov]


Speaking of sports, tomorrow morning we will see several of you at the Railroad Days Race. Meet on the corner near the gazebo at the Rail Museum. Kids 1k is at 8:45am and the 5k/10k starts at 9am. 

Mark and Kim will be running a class WOD at the box at 10am. Show up and get your thruster on!


5 Rounds for time:

6 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95#/65#)
6 Burpees
6 Front Squat (95#/65#)
6 Kettlebell Swings (53#/35#)
6 Hang Power Snatch (95#/65#)


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Tara tackles Hang Snatches while Scott swings the Kettlebell:

Tara_Hang PS Scott_KB Swing

Bionic is a unique WOD. Moving from a wide stance and narrow grip to neutral stance and grip to narrow stance and wide grip each round can cause a little confusion from movement to movement. It is also typically limited by the amount of weight that you can Hang Power Snatch.  Put on too much weight and that becomes a hang muscle snatch or even worse a hang power “anyway overhead” lift. Dialing it back to ensure a load that allows you to do it correctly is the way to go and also will force you to move faster and generate greater power.

Spirit of the Games Pt. 1” with Chris Spealler, CrossFit Journal preview [wmv] [mov]


This Saturday is the Railroad Days 5k/10k race. We have at least 6 runners I know of that are running it with me (Marc, Laura, Lucy, Moe, Sangeeta, Jim M.). There are also a couple kids doing the 1k too. Anyone else in? There will be one class at 10am with Mark as well.

FGBV Poster

Attention! Fight Gone Bad V: We are hosting FGB V on 9/18 (Saturday) with CrossFit Belltown, The Compound, CrossFit Redmond, and the Chamber! The plan is to start at 10am.There will be waves and sign up times as we get closer. If you are planning to participate the rules state you must register, create a fundraising page and raise donations. Please consider this and help raise money for some valuable causes (Livestrong, The Wounded Warrior Project among them). For details on registration go to the FGB V site and click on the register link. When and if you register, pick our box as your “team”.

If you are thinking it’s too much to ask someone to donate, consider that one latte for $5 is more than enough to ask for. Or a happy meal. I would think most people understand that donating a few dollars for cancer research or for a veteran who is permanently disabled for defending our freedoms is worth forgoing a coffee or two.

"Death By Pull-up"

Strength WOD:

Back Squat


Back Squats-2

Checkout WOD immediately after:

With a continuously running clock perform 1 pull-up the first minute, 2 pull-ups the second minute, 3 pull-ups the third minute, and so on, continuing to add 1 each minute until you cannot complete the required number of reps in the given minute.

Score total rounds and reps in the last round completed.

Death by Pull-up 2


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Today we went over two methods to use when back squatting; the high bar and the low bar back squat. See our last post with links that explain how to do both. Either way is fine. Do one or do both. Try them, see what you prefer and use it. What’s more important is that whichever you pick, do it right and learn to squat. 

After the strength WOD it was time for death by pull-up. Focusing on good pull-ups should be the key and making sure you have good arm extension, a strong pull, and the chin reaching over the bar. Use a band, a kip, or a dead hang. Then feel the minutes and pull-ups pile up!

Pat repping out some back squats while Mark spots:

Back Squats

Ashley showing off some mad skills and a backwards double-under!

Backwards DU


Welcome to Cristin who started elements with us tonight and knocked out “Baseline” ahead of her goal she set before the WOD. Setting and achieving a goal on her first WOD is a great way to start CrossFit!

Watch and practice: Burgener warm-up with Sage Burgener and Coach B [wmv] [mov]

Sign up for the Railroad Days race before Saturday! Racers plan to link up at the gazebo by the Railroad museum prior to the race. 

Shoot 'Em Dead

For Time:

10 Deadlifts (225#/155#)
1 Shoot-Through
200m Run
9 Deadlifts
2 Shoot-Throughs
200m Run
8 Deadlifts
3 Shoot-Throughs
200m Run
7 Deadlifts
4 Shoot-Throughs
200m Run
6 Deadlifts
5 Shoot-Throughs
200m Run
5 Deadlifts
6 Shoot-Throughs
200m Run
4 Deadlifts
7 Shoot-Throughs
200m Run
3 Deadlifts
8 Shoot-Throughs
200m Run
2 Deadlifts
9 Shoot-Throughs
200m Run
1 Deadlift
10 Shoot-Throughs
200m Run

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Deadlifts and Shoot-Throughs:

Deadlifts and Shoot Throughs

This WOD was brutal fun at its best. No one was particularly excited to see this WOD come back again. As Rob told me after, this was one that made him consider rounding the corner on a 200m run and continuing to run home. Ladder WOD’s are always unique in that as one gets easier the other movement gets harder. As the deadlifts tick down the shoot-throughs pile up. Then they get hard. (For those wondering what a shoot-through is, it’s like a burpee on parallettes)

We also had Cody and Chris from CrossFit Advantage and Scott from CrossFit Bellevue drop in for the WOD this afternoon. Scott crushed us all as he flew around round after round as if his feet were on fire.


Congrats to Natalie who completed her last Elements today and is now “armed and dangerous”! Welcome to Eric and Angie who started their first Elements and completed “Baseline” today! We look forward to you all joining classes soon.

Reminder: We now have a Wed. 7:30am class and a 6pm class on Monday and Wednesday starting this week.


5 Rounds for Time: 

12 Push Press (135#/95#)
20 Box Jumps (24″/20″)


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Mish and Justin rocking “Betty”:

Mish_Push Press Justin_Box Jump

Betty: Defined in Urban Dictionary as the following – A hot chick. Relaxed, self confident, athletic. 

Several of you competed in the Danskin Triathlon (Lucy, Jana, Rona, Lorraine, Moe, Michelle and Jim M.’s wife Erin) and the IronMan 70.3 Lake Stevens Triathlon (Annie and Lena) this past weekend and everyone did great! Competing and completing any race is always something to be proud of; however competing in a race that is comprised of swimming, biking and running is pretty amazing. For some it was their first, for others who were veterans it was just another notch in the belt and a culmination of some long and intense training. Some notable performances were Lucy and Jana at the Danskin who finished in the 1 1/2 hour range and in the top 300 or so out of 3,100 plus women; as well as Annie who finished 18th in her age group with a 6 hour 4 minute half Ironman. She will now be known as IronWoman! 

All of you triathletes are Betty’s in my book. I’m personally proud and inspired by each of you. Continue to train hard, set goals and go forth and dominate!

Danskin Triathletes

Thumbs Up Congrats Mom

Jana_Bike Transition 


6pm classes on Monday and Wednesday started this week (with Moe). Also Wednesday will be the first weekly 7:30am class (with Mark B.). Now there are less excuses to miss the WOD!

Also the Railroad Days 5k/10k is this Saturday morning. Don’t forget to register!

Coaches Challenge

Pull-up Silhouette

Today is “Command Maintenance“! Focus on recovery, go play and get ready to hit it this week.

Coaches challenge: Pick one skill you want to fix or improve. Any skill you suck at or have tons of ground to make up. Whatever the goat, pick it and write it down. Then starting the very next time you come into the box I want you to work on it. Break it down to the very basics. Hit your warm-up aggressively, then spend a few minutes on it. Ask for a pair of eyes and grab one of your trainers. Ask for cues. Practice it. Then hit the WOD. Afterwards practice some more. Rinse, wash, repeat daily. I guarantee you if you stick with it then you will improve. As that goat becomes less and less of a detractor from your performance it also furthers your fitness level and goes into your toolbox. 

Some ideas: flexibility, double-unders, cleans, deadlifts, wall balls, pull-ups, ring dips, muscle-up progressions, push-ups, overhead squats, POSE running, jerks, rowing technique, box jumps, snatches, front squats, handstand push-ups, knees to elbows, air squats… DAMN that list is endless!