
For time:

400m Run
9 Pull-ups
9 Overhead Squats (95#/65#) 
9 Toes-to-Bar
400m Run
15 Pull-ups
15 Overhead Squats
15 Toes-to-Bar
400m Run
21 Pull-ups
21 Overhead Squats 
21 Toes-to-Bar


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Sangeeta and Eric going “Backwards”:

OH Squats_Sangeeta and Eric

How often do we complete a WOD that goes backwards? I’m not talking about running backwards either (which by the way you have to see Kim’s crazy backwards running jump rope 200m run). Most WOD’s count down. Or the rep count stays the same each round or interval. Some are ladders where one exercise decreases while something else increases. For WOD’s that add a rep each minute on the minute those present a unique challenge in counting up but aren’t the same as going backwards. So in programming the week I thought we should try it. Make up a WOD (I wanted to test core and grip strength while using the run to spike the heart rate), then reverse the typical rep count order and see what it does. 

My two cents? It works. It’s tough, it’s different. By starting with smaller reps early the ability to move through exercises either quicker or even unbroken drives up the intensity and pushes you harder. Being fresher allows you to complete the early rounds fast and turn it into somewhat of a sprint. For me the thought process changes from the typical “soldier on” to “don’t stop or drop it”. Judging by how gassed people felt, we will try this format again.


Want to work on your flexibility? Improve your range of motion? Rehab those pesky tight or painful muscles? Check out MobilityWod by Kelly Starrett and get your mobility on! 

Laura working the Knees-to-Elbow:



In case you missed yesterday’s post, we have updated our pricing. Check it out!

Our troops and sailors use CrossFit. Other armies should try it. I’m not quite sure that the Iraqi army is ready yet

I will promise…

I will promise

What are you going to do?

New SRCF Pricing!

After careful deliberation and review of our business we are happy to announce that we will implement a reduced monthly pricing structure as of September 1st (if we decide to raise rates in the future we will keep existing members at the lower rate). We feel this is fair yet takes into account the broader economic picture while also allowing us to effectively offer a CF Kids program soon for our members.

The new rates will be as follows:

  • Monthly Unlimited Classes: $135 / month plus 9% tax (reduction of $15 per month)
  • Unlimited Couples Discount rate: $240 / month plus 9% tax (reduction of $30 per month) 
  • Limited Monthly Classes 2 x /week: $90 / month plus 9% tax (reduction of $10 per month)

– Both members must be unlimited to receive couples discount
        – Works out to ~ $8/class for unlimited rate
– Works out to ~ $11/class for limited rate

  • Military/LEO/Fire/Student discount of 20% available
  • Drop-in rate will remain $15 (for experienced CrossFitters) or just buy a shirt
  • Elements will remain $150 for new members and include the first month unlimited classes

Mish and Lena high five the new pricing while Don simply shakes his head in disbelief:

High Fives

A Commitment to Value:

Add up what you pay for a gym membership plus a trainer and it simply doesn’t compare. We base our pricing on what we feel is a fair value. In our box, we value a safe and supportive training environment, good coaching, solid programming, and community. We provide an atmosphere that challenges the athlete in each of us while focusing on technique and safety first. We don’t want to just make you a number, we care about you. If you haven’t been in then we will email, call, and generally just harrass you! We will hold you accountable until you tell us otherwise. We get to know each of our clients and their strengths and weaknesses to know appropriate scaling of movements and loads. We monitor your progress and celebrate your milestones. Our workouts are thought out, tested and structured to fit into a bigger picture. We provide various outlets to share information, offer training guidance and education, and interact among members through our active website and social media page. We work to consistently offer, organize and participate in monthly events, races, challenges, clinics, workshops, and other competitions both within our gym and the broader CrossFit community. We value being active within the CrossFit community because we solidly believe that much of the great part of what it offers is just that, a community of like minded fitness enthusiasts that know that hard ass fitness is earned through intensity, sweat and work. We seek out gyms with core values such as ours and look for ways to share best practices, implement new training ideas and forge lasting friendships. 

Most of all, Michelle and I (as well as all who coach at SnoRidge) live CrossFit. We have a pure passion for what it is and how it can benefit us and want to share that with others. We compete, we learn, and we teach. It’s not just about writing something on a whiteboard and starting a timer; it’s about seeking out and tackling a physical and mental challenge head on everyday and learning something about yourself in the process. It’s about high fiving, chest bumping, and having fun while doing it. When you join our box, you join our family. Each and every one of us brings something to the mix that motivates, inspires and benefits all of us. That makes us better CrossFitters and better people! We feel that is value. I personally haven’t found that many gyms out there that offer the same.

Remember: Anyone can be cool, but awesome takes practice. Keep practicing daily, we sure will!

Read: “Yeah, CrossFit is Expensive” by CrossFit California City 


Short video clip of our Fit 5 Fashion/CrossFit demo this past week:


We are hoping to get a more official video of the event soon that is being put together to show all of the performance highlights. If you want to see some pics then go to www.brickhousephotos.com; click on order prints and then select the lululemon event.

New Gear!

Two new shirts are on the way! More details in the box:

Exclusive T-Shirt only for our FGB V participants with our cross-box challenge. Sick!
If you want to buy one you gotta donate to the cause, SHOW up on 9/18, and FIGHT your ass off! Cost will be $20 and we will have red and white shirts for participants (likely Next Level Apparel Tri-Blend for Men and Next level Apparel Perfect Tee for Women). Post color and size.


“Too Weak” shirt coming soon (American Apparel 50/50 Heather Black for Men / Next Level Burnout Gray for Women):


"Team Murph"

Saturday WOD:

Team “Murph”

Kim and Michelle tackle “Murph” individually:


In teams of two complete the following for time:

1 Mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Squats 
1 Mile Run


  1. Both team members must run a mile together each time
  2. Teams may break up exercises between run segments however they wish but work one at a time
  3. Teams cannot move from run to pull-ups until both have completed the mile
  4. Call time when each team member completes their final mile

Post WOD complete max tire flips (850#/507#) as a team in 4 minutes


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Friday WOD:

4 Rounds for time:

40 Push Press (65#/45#)
30 Squats
20 Ring Dips 
10 Double-Unders 


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The blog is back! After an epic Thursday night (with our super successful CrossFit demo at the Fit 5 Fashion Show in Bellevue) we took Friday night to go out and enjoy some margaritas and food as a crew. The tequila I had sent me into that nice comfortable place that is not conducive to publishing coherent thought for the blog thus the missing post from yesterday. We are hoping to get some video of the event to share from the demo but I can honestly say we think it went very well judging by the feedback, screaming audience (over 700 people!) and comments from the other performers and lululemon crew.  It was an amazing opportunity for all of us and a genuinely fun event. Special thanks to Jorge, Jana, Rona, Rob, Jenna, and Sean who cheered and represented SnoRidge for us in the crowd! It meant a lot!

Friday was a classic WOD that we pulled from the hopper that Michelle and I have both done several times. It is one that looks easy due to a light bar and somewhat manageable movements but 2 rounds in and you quickly realize how hard it is. Saturday was a great team WOD that breaks the Hero WOD Murph (done individually as RX’d) into a more manageable yet still challenging workout. Teaming up meant learning how to work together with your partner with fast transitions and splitting up the work to maintain fast pacing. Having both run meant everyone got to feel how different running a longer distance before and after a lot of reps really is. 

Post WOD some of you took the challenge for max tire flips and loved it:

Just Do It

Flippin Fun


How Would You Stack Up?” in the 2010 USAW / CrossFit Weightlifting Open (Our very own Sean will be competing in this event in October)


Alternate 50/40/30/20/10 reps of each for time:

Double Unders
Sit Ups (AbMAt)


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Mark N. knocking out the benchmark “Annie”:

Mark N_Annie

Group shot after the demo at the lululemon 5 Fitness Function (back row L to R: Allen, Eric, me, Mark, Jeremy; front row L to R: Nadia, Kelly, Moe, Michelle, Laurie, Kim)

SRCF group_lulu

Represent SRCF Crew!

Overhead SRCF goup_lulu demo 

"Death By Burpee"

With a continuously running clock perform 1 burpee the first minute, 2 burpees the second minute, 3 burpees the third minute, and so on, continuing to add 1 each minute until you cannot complete the required number of reps in the given minute.

Score total rounds and reps in the last round completed.

Don going airborne. Now that’s the way to finish the burpee!

Don Burpee


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Quote of the Day: “I finally figured out how to go down properly…wait that sounds bad!” ~ Rona

Yay burpees! Cristin asked me yesterday if we had a specific day every week that we programmed in burpees so she could avoid that day. Knowing today was “death by burpee” I could not lie. So I told her the truth, “NO there is not a SPECIFIC day. We mix it up. I’ll see you tomorrow!” I think she was not very happy when she came in today. She did however survive!

Proud parent moment. Ashley tonight did the WOD with the late crew. Staying to the back of the box, we matched burpee for burpee as each minute passed and I did the counting. Surprising me and maybe herself, she got into the 11th minute! And they were pretty darn good burpees all with a good jump and clap! To top it off after writing her name and result on the whiteboard she went and wrote my result up there. 

Ash_Death by Burpee  Ash_Death by Burpee 2


Reminder that Thursday all PM classes are cancelled this week 8/26. We will be performing in the lululemon 5 Fitness Fashion function in Bellevue. Details on the right hand side.

CrossFit Basic is also joining us for Fight Gone Bad V on September 18th. That’s four boxes total including us! (CrossFit Belltown, CrossFit Redmond, CrossFit Basic)

Spirit of the Games: Pt 2” with Chris Spealler: CrossFit Journal [wmv] [mov]

Up Front

Strength WOD:

Front Squat

Checkout WOD immediately after:

For time:

1000m Row

Then alternate 21/15/9 reps of each:

Front Squat (135#/95#)
Back Extensions (or Sub Banded Good Mornings Green: Men/Blue: Women)


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WOD_Nan and Tara

Read: “How to Front Squat with Proper Technique” from StrongLifts.com 

This article has great cues, pics, video and what “not” to do. Read up and translate it over to your squats, cleans and thrusters. One note: Unless the arms are broken, no Cross-Arm grip allowed. Ever. Period. 

Front Squatting with Mark B. (who hit 315# today!)

Front Squat_Zohan - 1 Front Squat_Zohan - 2 Front Squat_Zohan - 3

Front Squat_Zohan - 4 Front Squat_Zohan - 5 Front Squat_Zohan - 6

Back Extensions with Amanda:

Back Ext_Amanda Back Ext 2_Amanda

Don’t forget Wednesday 7:30am class with Mark!



3 Rounds for time:

10 Ground to Overhead (95#/65#)
200 yard Shuttle Sprint (Tag up each sprint using 50 yds. down and back twice)


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Our latest sprint coaching technique: “Release the hounds!”

SQT_Jim and Meeno

WOD demo with Chris Spealler [wmv] [mov]

Have you been asked “Can you really get a workout in under 5 minutes?” If you have done “Fran” or “SQT” that answer is absolutely yes! Anyone doubting how you can really do a CrossFit WOD in that short of time and feel gassed is a great candidate to try this one. Just invite them over, tell them to lift something heavy (and safely) as fast as they can from ground to overhead 10 times, then do some shuttle sprints for a total of 3 rounds. I bet they never doubt you again.

Want to lose weight, burn fat, get ripped, gain muscle, build endurance, and get faster? All of the above? Do sprints! Sprinting is both aerobic and anaerobic and chock full of benefits:

Sprinting: An Effective and Efficient Way to Build Muscle and Lose Fat

Fast Fitness 30 Second Sprint Workouts Build Fitness Fast

Burn Fat By Sprinting

Why Sprinting Builds Endurance


Congrats to Cristin and Angie for completing Elements tonight! Get into class and build on what you’ve learned!

Eric, Angie and Cristin rocking an Elements WOD:


Rest Up

Hope you are rested and ready for this week!

WB Rest

Read a great interview with Chris Spealler, one of the top CrossFitters out there and just an amazing athlete. A veteran of all 4 years of the CF Games as well as a top 10 finisher in three of them (including 3rd this year); he was also the recipient of the “Spirit of the Games Award” for embodying the character of CrossFit. He is pretty legendary within CrossFit and has set a great example for many as not only a competitor, but also as a coach, HQ trainer and affiliate owner.

Spirit of the Games: Pt. 1” CrossFit Journal Preview video [wmv] [mov]



If you plan to participate in Fight Gone Bad V on 9/18 at the box, then you need to create a fundraiser page (link on the right under “Upcoming Events”) and raise some money for some great causes. My friend Derek from CrossFit Morristown (who just visited and many of you met) has been pushing people in his box to raise funds and they are now at almost $11k raised! What about us? Well, SnoRidge has $1300 raised. Ummm, it’s GO time people!