"Bear Complex"

“Bear Complex”

Bear Complex 7-7-7-7-7

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Rest as needed between sets.
This counts as one set of the Complex::
1. Power Clean (no squat cleans)
2. Front Squat
3. Push-Press
4. Back Squat
5. Push-Press
Complete seven sets for one round.
Do 5 rounds total working up to your max.
Post loads completed.

Start very light! You can rest in between rounds. Do not let go of the bar or rest on the ground. If you do, you must restart the round to count. There are no partials.

  1. Bar must touch the ground each sequence but cannot rest on the ground or it terminates the set.
  2. Goal is to increase loads each round to complete “The Bear” with max load.
  3. Rest as needed between sets.
  4. Touch and Go, rest off the ground mid set. No re-grip on the ground allowed.
  5. You must power clean the bar to full standing position before squatting the weight.
  6. Thruster is allowed.
  7. Do not let go of the bar. If you do, you must restart the round.

Photos by @robcwilson
The “Bear” tests you mentally as well as physically. The complex is both a strength and conditioning workout. Through multiple sets of each complex at lighter weight it has a cardiorespiratory effect while at load it demands efficient technique and a plan of attack (receiving the barbell from overhead to the rack; should you thruster or squat/rest/push press).
Once it’s heavy the mental challenge of not letting go of the barbell makes you hang on, get efficient, and push through the complex. Even though you rest between the rounds, the sets of 7 sequences make you doubt you can finish without dropping the bar and keep adding weight. It’s uncomfortable and grueling. Getting through it is truly a “bear”.
Might we ever try a “Dumbbell Bear”? Hmmmm…..

  • Normal class schedule Tuesday 12/26 through Friday 12/29
  • Saturday 12/30 the gym is CLOSED
  • Monday 1/1 the gym is CLOSED

Teens Class:

  • Saturday 12/30 the gym is CLOSED; no class
  • Teens Class resumes next Wed. 1/3 at 5pm


  • Our next OnRamp begins next Tues. 1/2 at 7pm and will run Thur. 1/4, Sat. 1/6, and Mon. 1/8


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