"Mad Max"

Max Reps in 10 minutes of:

Front Squat (75#/55#)


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Rona front squatting away:

Rona Front Squat

The last time we did this WOD was back in December. How did you stack up?

Coaching Tip: The Front Squat Sequence with Michelle

M_Front Squat - 1 M_Front Squat - 2 M_Front Squat - 3

M_Front Squat - 4 M_Front Squat - 5 M_Front Squat - 6

  1. Clean the bar to the rack position
  2. Air Squat stance with toes slightly pointed out
  3. Elbows up; loose fingers
  4. Back arched
  5. Weight on heels
  6. Look straight ahead
  7. Tight core
  8. Squat depth below parallel
  9. Chest high
  10. Drive out of the bottom with your elbows (i.e. “lead” with your elbows)

Judi and Warren from the 6am Gang:

Judi Warren 


Congrats to Jim M. and Marc M. both for achieving two new major milestones today. Jim for hitting his 1 year anniversary since joining the box and Marc for getting his 1st pull-up during his warm-up! Accomplishments breed accomplishments! Keep it up you two.

Highlights from the Central East Regionals Women’s Competition by CrossFit Again Faster [wmv] [mov]

*Please note some of the max rep deadlifts are not what we as your coaches would recommend for good form.


AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) in 20 Minutes of:

5 Pull-ups

10 Push-ups

15 Squats



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“Cindy” defined:


Congrats to all who PR’d this benchmark “girl” WOD today.  Cindy is one of those WOD’s that looks easy. Most people underestimate this and at about ten minutes in realize they are only halfway through and can’t believe it. Benchmark WOD’s have a way of doing that to you. Some big numbers today and a really good emphasis on helping to push one another on. Keep it up! Also big congrats to Amanda who earned her 100th WOD milestone tonight!

Regionals Update will be posted soon.  Lots of pictures from an amazing weekend!

Our very own Team Squatch finished 28th out of 38 teams after all three events.  Congrats to Michelle, Moe, Kim, Pat, Jeremy D. and Mark B. for going after it this weekend. They worked through three tough WOD’s against some very good competition and represented well.  We should all be proud!


I finished 32nd out of 64 men after 4 WOD’s in two days.  It was way better than I expected and I can’t believe its over. What an incredible experience (more on that in the wrap up post I am writing). Thanks to all who supported us and the inspiration from this weekend only makes us more motivated to improve ourselves to get even fitter. For those so inclined, start training for next year! Make every rep count, make it legit, and above all make it fun.  

More pics will be posted soon! 

Team Squatch after all WOD’s complete:


Team Squatch


This needs to be seen to be believed:

Chris Spealler wins the NW Regionals (WOD #1 Video) [wmv] [mov]


Happy Birthday Lucy! 

4 Rounds for Time:

400m Run
40 Push Press (45#/33#)  
40 Calorie Row 


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Lucy_Bday WOD

This WOD was tough. Lucy loves to run and hates to row even though she’s great at rowing. The original plan was a 2k Row but we decided to save that for another day. Lucy has more than earned her very own workout on her special day. We all hope you had a great birthday and are honored that like so many others you found time to fit in CrossFit on your birthday!


Gym is CLOSED Saturday! Seeya all on Monday if we don’t see you at the Regionals in Puyallup!

Jeremy rowed a 15.3 second 100m sprint today! Top gym time to beat…


5 Rounds For Time:

10 Power Clean (135#/95#) 
15 Push-ups


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Travis and Tara cleaning and pushing:

Travis_Power Clean

Tara Push-up

I love this WOD! It’s one of my favorites.

This Saturday we are CLOSED! 

In case you haven’t heard we will be competing at the Northwest Regionals for the 2010 CF Games at the Puyallup Fairgrounds.  The top 75 male and 75 female athletes from Sectionals competitions from Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Nevada and Alaska will be competing to send 3 men and 3 women to Los Angeles in July to compete in the Games. There will be 35 or so Affiliate teams (including SnoRidge) who will also be competing to send the top 6 teams on for the Affiliate Cup. Last but not least will be the Masters Competition where CF’ers over age 50 all around the world are vying at their respective Regionals to advance the top 15 worldwide for the 1st ever Masters division competition. 

If you plan to come then you can purchase tickets at the door but it will be cash only. Look for your fellow “Squatches” when you come into the arena. There will be plenty of vendors, food and free parking available. See here for more event details. This weekend is shaping up to be loaded with great weather, big effort and big fun! We hope to see you all there!


Come tomorrow and help celebrate Lucy’s special day with her birthday WOD!

A few of you are SO close to your 100th WOD so remember to tell us when you hit it!

Watch the women’s competition at the North Central Regionals preview from the CF Journal [wmv] [mov]

By the way we love the feedback that many of you have been inputting into the site on the “feedback tab” (over on the left). We read and discuss all of the ideas and are trying to figure out ways to incorporate them!

"Ocho Loco"

Strength WOD:

Overhead Squat 

Checkout WOD:

As Many Rounds as Possible in 8 Minutes:

8 Overhead Squats (75#/55#) 
8 Burpees


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Amanda on her way to a PR:

OH Squat_Amanda

Lots of PR’s today. The overhead squat is a technical lift. It requires flexibility, balance, coordination, and core, leg and shoulder strength. It can be a huge frustration and for us as coaches one of the easiest ways to identify poor flexibility or range of motion issues. With some simple cues though and the right load, it’s easier than you think to get down and up using decent form. Pushing the knees out to track towards the toes helped some, for others it was the cue of rotating the lats forward and pushing the shoulders up to the ears rather than pushing up and back behind the head. Breathing in and out at the top and holding your breath during the squat was vital to avoid becoming a weeble wobble and for many it was simply the cue to push the butt back first before squatting. Whichever cue it was, remember them, practice with PVC, and stretch all over. Be patient and the PR’s will keep coming.


Getting ready for the Regionals this weekend; tandem 185# Clean and Jerk with Moe and Michelle:

Tandem Clean and Jerk - 1 Tandem Clean and Jerk - 3
Tandem Clean and Jerk - 4 Tandem Clean and Jerk - 5
Tandem Clean and Jerk - 6 Tandem Clean and Jerk - 7Tandem Clean and Jerk - 8

More evidence that too much sugar sucks the life out of you. Read about this study from The Journal of the American Medical Association that concluded that in addition to sugar causing an increased waistline, it was a contributing factor in the development of cardiovascular disease. Just think about the statistic that the average daily added sugar consumption per person is 21.4 teaspoons! Cut back people.

What are the different types of sugar?

A Sugar By Any Other Name . . . exposing the added sugar in your food

Read ingredient labels—sugar has a number of different names. Food labels list ingredients in descending order by weight, so limit foods that have sugar listed within the first few ingredients or that have several sources of sugar listed. Here are a few of the terms that spell S-U-G-A-R:

Agave nectar 

Cane crystals 

Corn sweetener 

Crystalline fructose 

Evaporated cane juice 

Fruit juice concentrates 

High-fructose corn syrup 

Invert sugar

Malt syrup 




Brown sugar 

Cane sugar

Corn syrup 




Honey Lactose

Raw sugar Syrup

Source: Harvard School of Public Health and USDA Dietary Guidelines

One Year Down!

3 Rounds for Time:

10 Clapping Parallette Push-ups 
250m Row 
20 Power Snatch (95#/65#)


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Clapping Parallette Push-up with Jeremy O.:

Clapping Parallette PU_Jeremy O - 1 Clapping Parallette PU_Jeremy O - 2

Power Snatch with Jenna:

Power Snatch_Jenna - 3

So tonight Michelle and I realized that today was a special date. Today was officially our one year anniversary of SnoRidge CrossFit. One year ago today we were granted our affiliate status and officially became a CrossFit box. Time flies when you’re making people do burpees! 

So what does this mean? Well it means that we need to throw a party. After Regionals we will make sure we host a party and all are invited. Second, it means we owe all of you a giant thank you. Thank you for finding us, sticking with us, and growing with us. Thank you all for helping us become better coaches, make a fitter community, forge stronger friendships, and most importantly for allowing us to help you in some small way to change your own lives. Anyone can do CrossFit, but it’s not for everyone. It’s for any one person that wants to push, work and grind it out to take charge of their fitness.  We are glad that we can provide the avenue for all of you that choose to make this a priority in your life. We look forward to many more WOD’s and PR’s for all of you! Year 2 of SnoRidge CrossFit: 3-2-1 Go!


Welcome to Jenna and Sean who recently joined us at SRCF. Both are experienced CF’ers who previously trained at Rainier CF and CrossFit Basic and we are excited to have them in the box!

Watch “Fittest Over 50“, a CrossFit Journal preview [wmv] [mov]

Kids love tires too:

CF Kids

Reach for the sky…

5 Rounds for Time:

400m Run
25 Squats (Full ROM or Range of Motion emphasis)
25 Good Mornings (45#/33# or Green Band/Blue Band Good Mornings)


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And they’re off!


Squats and Good Mornings:

Squat_Justin - 2 Squat_Justin - 1

Good Morning_Cathy - 1 Good Morning_Cathy -2

Today’s WOD was primarily about squat therapy. The emphasis was on achieving full depth (hip below knee) with a tight core and maintaining your lumbar curve to full hip extension at the top. Using the hands to “reach for the sky” meant you had to open your hips to do it correctly.  Bending over and touching out in front of you doesn’t cut it; if you reach high then the hips open. Training the hips to forcefully open (extension) from the closed position (flexion) means learning to use them to generate power. For those who are new, get used to the concept of using your hips to generate power.

One other topic is the warm-up. Here are our observations and our asks of each of you:

Everyone is starting to really get better at coming in, checking the whiteboard for the warm-up and attacking it. Keep up that trend! The warm-up is vital to prepping the body for the workout that is awaiting. Some of you require more than others to get loose so use the time to hit other areas that may be tight, stiff, or sore. If you are done and notice someone newer who isn’t sure what to do then offer a helping hand or explanation. We will be pushing to keep everyone moving and on pace to get started on time. We will also be spending time with each of you (some longer than others) to give cues and corrections during the warm-up to make you better. Take those cues and practice so that it transfers to the movement when you are doing it under a load or for time. It’s the perfect time to learn and refine a movement and build muscle memory (at least prior to your brain shutting down during the WOD). Most importantly understand that the warm-up prevents injury as well as reinforces technique.  Last but not least, please limit the socializing to after the WOD so that everyone can benefit from coaching. When we are all ready to go at the same time it’s much easier to yell “3-2-1 Go” and everyone can grip it and rip it!


Pat today ripped off a completely impressive 5k row of 17:30! For reference on Concept 2’s Online Rankings site in his age bracket (40-49) he would be tied for 40th in the world for the 2010 season in the heavyweight division. That is better than the 90th percentile! I want to row like Pat!

The NW Regionals WOD’s have been released (2 unannounced for the individual’s events on Sunday).  

Watch Iceland Annie utterly dominate the European Regionals [wmv] [mov] (she placed 1st and last year in the Games was 11th overall and would have been higher but had not yet learned muscle-ups)

Who is Team Squatch?

Team Squatch 

Michelle:                    Moe: Kim:

MIchelle Moe Kim - 3

Pat:                 Jeremy: Mark:

Pat_Swing Jeremy Mark_Bear

Here’s your team people! Next weekend these six will go to the 2010 CF Games Northwest Regionals to represent our box, work hard, grin and “bear complex” it, and high five their way through two days of tough team workouts. They will go up against at least 30 other teams representing affiliates from Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Nevada and Alaska that all want to earn a shot at competing for the Affiliate Cup at the Games in Los Angeles come July. 

Come support them at the Puyallup Fairgrounds. It’s practically in our own backyard! How lucky is that?

I’m so stoked about coaching this team I am gonna go run or something!