"Fight Gone Bad: Task Priority"

3 Rounds for time with 1 Minute of rest between rounds of:

20 WallBall (20#/14#)

20 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75#/55#)

20 Box Jump (20″)

20 Push Press (75#/55#)

20 Row (Cal)


  • Continuous running clock with 1 minute rest between rounds.  
  • Score time per interval while ensuring you subtract the 1 minute of rest per round from total time (-2 minutes).


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Les Mis_Push Press


Cheering Section

Fight Gone bad: Task Priority video: CrossFit Journal preview with Jimi vs Josh [wmv] [mov]

* Note: Tossing the bar after the last SDHP rep like Josh does in this preview video will earn burpees. It’s uncool.


What’s different with this WOD over the standard FGB? Well this is not a time dependent WOD. It’s a task dependent one. You have to complete the task of 20 reps of each three times. How fast is up to you. If it was time dependent it would be the standard FGB version where you have 1 minute per exercise to complete as many reps as possible in that minute.

Four gyms. Three causes. Two ways to participate. One Brutal Workout. On Saturday 9/18 SnoRidge CrossFit will host the Fight Gone Bad V fundraiser workout along with CrossFit Belltown, Compound Fitness, CrossFit Basic, and CrossFit Redmond. This workout will benefit Livestrong, The Wounded Warrior Project, and the CrossFit Foundation. We will have times set up for groups to sign up and plan on arriving to run through it. With equipment from others we are hoping to run up to 7 at a time.

What two ways can you participate?

  1. Raise funds via your fundraiser page on the FGB website.
  2. Donate to someone’s page or donate the minimum amount of our drop-in fee of $15 of which will all go to the FGB effort.
  3. We will only allow those who donate or raise funds the opportunity to complete the workout. We believe in the causes! If you can’t raise funds, then pony up the minimum $15 to go towards helping fight cancer, helping heroes from our military who were wounded and permanently disabled, or helping a family of a first responder or soldier in need. It’s the equivalent of a few Starbucks drinks!

 SnoRidge CrossFit currently has raised $1450 total as a gym on the FGB website. We need to keep trying to grow that!

Curious about the workout? Click for more details.

Sean training for the USAW/CF Open:

Sean Trains for USAW

 Question of the day: “Will he or won’t he wear a singlet in competition?”


For time:

400m Run
9 Pull-ups
9 Overhead Squats (95#/65#) 
9 Toes-to-Bar
400m Run
15 Pull-ups
15 Overhead Squats
15 Toes-to-Bar
400m Run
21 Pull-ups
21 Overhead Squats 
21 Toes-to-Bar


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Sangeeta and Eric going “Backwards”:

OH Squats_Sangeeta and Eric

How often do we complete a WOD that goes backwards? I’m not talking about running backwards either (which by the way you have to see Kim’s crazy backwards running jump rope 200m run). Most WOD’s count down. Or the rep count stays the same each round or interval. Some are ladders where one exercise decreases while something else increases. For WOD’s that add a rep each minute on the minute those present a unique challenge in counting up but aren’t the same as going backwards. So in programming the week I thought we should try it. Make up a WOD (I wanted to test core and grip strength while using the run to spike the heart rate), then reverse the typical rep count order and see what it does. 

My two cents? It works. It’s tough, it’s different. By starting with smaller reps early the ability to move through exercises either quicker or even unbroken drives up the intensity and pushes you harder. Being fresher allows you to complete the early rounds fast and turn it into somewhat of a sprint. For me the thought process changes from the typical “soldier on” to “don’t stop or drop it”. Judging by how gassed people felt, we will try this format again.


Want to work on your flexibility? Improve your range of motion? Rehab those pesky tight or painful muscles? Check out MobilityWod by Kelly Starrett and get your mobility on! 

Laura working the Knees-to-Elbow:



In case you missed yesterday’s post, we have updated our pricing. Check it out!

Our troops and sailors use CrossFit. Other armies should try it. I’m not quite sure that the Iraqi army is ready yet

"Death By Burpee"

With a continuously running clock perform 1 burpee the first minute, 2 burpees the second minute, 3 burpees the third minute, and so on, continuing to add 1 each minute until you cannot complete the required number of reps in the given minute.

Score total rounds and reps in the last round completed.

Don going airborne. Now that’s the way to finish the burpee!

Don Burpee


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Quote of the Day: “I finally figured out how to go down properly…wait that sounds bad!” ~ Rona

Yay burpees! Cristin asked me yesterday if we had a specific day every week that we programmed in burpees so she could avoid that day. Knowing today was “death by burpee” I could not lie. So I told her the truth, “NO there is not a SPECIFIC day. We mix it up. I’ll see you tomorrow!” I think she was not very happy when she came in today. She did however survive!

Proud parent moment. Ashley tonight did the WOD with the late crew. Staying to the back of the box, we matched burpee for burpee as each minute passed and I did the counting. Surprising me and maybe herself, she got into the 11th minute! And they were pretty darn good burpees all with a good jump and clap! To top it off after writing her name and result on the whiteboard she went and wrote my result up there. 

Ash_Death by Burpee  Ash_Death by Burpee 2


Reminder that Thursday all PM classes are cancelled this week 8/26. We will be performing in the lululemon 5 Fitness Fashion function in Bellevue. Details on the right hand side.

CrossFit Basic is also joining us for Fight Gone Bad V on September 18th. That’s four boxes total including us! (CrossFit Belltown, CrossFit Redmond, CrossFit Basic)

Spirit of the Games: Pt 2” with Chris Spealler: CrossFit Journal [wmv] [mov]



3 Rounds for time:

10 Ground to Overhead (95#/65#)
200 yard Shuttle Sprint (Tag up each sprint using 50 yds. down and back twice)


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Our latest sprint coaching technique: “Release the hounds!”

SQT_Jim and Meeno

WOD demo with Chris Spealler [wmv] [mov]

Have you been asked “Can you really get a workout in under 5 minutes?” If you have done “Fran” or “SQT” that answer is absolutely yes! Anyone doubting how you can really do a CrossFit WOD in that short of time and feel gassed is a great candidate to try this one. Just invite them over, tell them to lift something heavy (and safely) as fast as they can from ground to overhead 10 times, then do some shuttle sprints for a total of 3 rounds. I bet they never doubt you again.

Want to lose weight, burn fat, get ripped, gain muscle, build endurance, and get faster? All of the above? Do sprints! Sprinting is both aerobic and anaerobic and chock full of benefits:

Sprinting: An Effective and Efficient Way to Build Muscle and Lose Fat

Fast Fitness 30 Second Sprint Workouts Build Fitness Fast

Burn Fat By Sprinting

Why Sprinting Builds Endurance


Congrats to Cristin and Angie for completing Elements tonight! Get into class and build on what you’ve learned!

Eric, Angie and Cristin rocking an Elements WOD:


Rest Up

Hope you are rested and ready for this week!

WB Rest

Read a great interview with Chris Spealler, one of the top CrossFitters out there and just an amazing athlete. A veteran of all 4 years of the CF Games as well as a top 10 finisher in three of them (including 3rd this year); he was also the recipient of the “Spirit of the Games Award” for embodying the character of CrossFit. He is pretty legendary within CrossFit and has set a great example for many as not only a competitor, but also as a coach, HQ trainer and affiliate owner.

Spirit of the Games: Pt. 1” CrossFit Journal Preview video [wmv] [mov]



If you plan to participate in Fight Gone Bad V on 9/18 at the box, then you need to create a fundraiser page (link on the right under “Upcoming Events”) and raise some money for some great causes. My friend Derek from CrossFit Morristown (who just visited and many of you met) has been pushing people in his box to raise funds and they are now at almost $11k raised! What about us? Well, SnoRidge has $1300 raised. Ummm, it’s GO time people!

"2 for 1"

WOD Choice today!

3 Rounds for time:

50 Double-Unders
50 Wall Balls (20#/14#)


3 Rounds for time:

50 Double-Unders
25 “2 for 1” Wall Balls (20#/14#)


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Steven and Lucy WB Shots

Choice day! Pick either double wall balls (also called 2 for 1’s since you throw it up to the target and then complete 2 squats) with double-unders or do 50 of them for three rounds with 150 double-unders. Either way this ones mean.

See that little blurb in the upper right corner of the site? The one that says “World Class Fitness in 100 Words”? Ever read it? If you do read it how much of it do you follow? The last sentence is one (along with nutrition) of the things that most of us CrossFitters likely don’t do. It’s the part that says “Regularly learn and play new sports.” The CrossFit Journal is kicking off a cool new series devoted to learning and playing new sports. It’s called the Sport Series. If we are going to train to be generally prepared physically for most challenges as well as call it the Sport of Fitness, then why not apply it to new sports? By the way, anyone want to try stand-up paddleboarding?

CrossFit Journal Stand-up Paddleboard Race [wmv] [mov]


Speaking of sports, tomorrow morning we will see several of you at the Railroad Days Race. Meet on the corner near the gazebo at the Rail Museum. Kids 1k is at 8:45am and the 5k/10k starts at 9am. 

Mark and Kim will be running a class WOD at the box at 10am. Show up and get your thruster on!


5 Rounds for time:

6 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95#/65#)
6 Burpees
6 Front Squat (95#/65#)
6 Kettlebell Swings (53#/35#)
6 Hang Power Snatch (95#/65#)


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Tara tackles Hang Snatches while Scott swings the Kettlebell:

Tara_Hang PS Scott_KB Swing

Bionic is a unique WOD. Moving from a wide stance and narrow grip to neutral stance and grip to narrow stance and wide grip each round can cause a little confusion from movement to movement. It is also typically limited by the amount of weight that you can Hang Power Snatch.  Put on too much weight and that becomes a hang muscle snatch or even worse a hang power “anyway overhead” lift. Dialing it back to ensure a load that allows you to do it correctly is the way to go and also will force you to move faster and generate greater power.

Spirit of the Games Pt. 1” with Chris Spealler, CrossFit Journal preview [wmv] [mov]


This Saturday is the Railroad Days 5k/10k race. We have at least 6 runners I know of that are running it with me (Marc, Laura, Lucy, Moe, Sangeeta, Jim M.). There are also a couple kids doing the 1k too. Anyone else in? There will be one class at 10am with Mark as well.

FGBV Poster

Attention! Fight Gone Bad V: We are hosting FGB V on 9/18 (Saturday) with CrossFit Belltown, The Compound, CrossFit Redmond, and the Chamber! The plan is to start at 10am.There will be waves and sign up times as we get closer. If you are planning to participate the rules state you must register, create a fundraising page and raise donations. Please consider this and help raise money for some valuable causes (Livestrong, The Wounded Warrior Project among them). For details on registration go to the FGB V site and click on the register link. When and if you register, pick our box as your “team”.

If you are thinking it’s too much to ask someone to donate, consider that one latte for $5 is more than enough to ask for. Or a happy meal. I would think most people understand that donating a few dollars for cancer research or for a veteran who is permanently disabled for defending our freedoms is worth forgoing a coffee or two.

Command Maintenance


Back when I was in the Army we had a practice every week when we were in garrison (meaning “not in the field or deployed”) called Command Maintenance. This practice was not really fun, it was not necessarily looked forward to, and sometimes not taken anywhere near serious enough. As an Armor unit, we had vehicles. We had M1A1 Abrams, Humvees, various types of trucks, fuelers, ammo haulers, light tracks, tow vehicles, etc. Those vehicles were worked hard. They often were driven hard enough that even though the majority of them had faults and “deadlines” we still used them because we had to. In fact one of my unit’s motto was “Ride ’em hard, put ’em away wet!” 

We trained hard like most units did and we certainly rode ’em hard. What was most important though was that we allocated time and made it mandatory to focus a day on repair, recovery, and maintenance. We spent all day in the motor-pool cleaning, inspecting, swapping parts, checking inventories, and going through repairs to fix and improve our vehicles and our readiness. The ones who took it seriously were the ones that made sure they followed the checklists (no matter how repetitive), they lubed, greased, topped off, and wrote up every single part needed to get on order. Hell the best even came up with ways to get deals made for parts or get bumped in priority with the mechanics. The ones who didn’t take it seriously? Well their vehicles were crap. Typically they had lots of faults, broke often in the field, and were unofficially cannibalized for parts when they were deadlined for a major fault, thus setting them back weeks from training on their own vehicle. Those vehicles usually had the crews that were not as loyal to their vehicle, and it showed. 

What’s the point of this? 

The point is that like my unit did with using and abusing our vehicles, each of us do with our bodies week in and out of the box. We work out hard and play hard. Our bodies scream for a rest day sometimes but we keep going. I encourage all of us each week to take one day to do some “command maintenance”. Rest and sleep in. Make it quality sleep. Eat clean (or if you are hyper vigilant on your diet, then have a solid cheat). Prep some great quality food for the week. Stretch, roll, or work out some kinks. Relax your brain and decrease your stress. Use ice or heat appropriately with ice packs, contrast showers, ice baths, or heat pads, heating pads, or a hot tub (by the way if you have a hot tub we expect an invite). Get a massage or go for a long walk to clear your mind. Read or learn something, set new goals or review ones accomplished. Most importantly, schedule some quality time with family, loved ones or friends. All of these activities will directly impact how you feel, prepare for, and perform during the week. Your body and your mind will repair itself and thank you for it. And you can “ride it hard and put it away wet” the very next week.


Hot or Cold… What’s the Right Choice?” by CrossFit Invictus

Behind the Games: Pt. 2 Preview Video [wmv] [mov]

M and I after a WOD today with a great friend Derek who is in town visiting us (he’s also a coach from CrossFit Morristown):

Three Amigos

Jello Legs

5 Rounds For Time: 

50 Ft. Barbell Overhead Walking Lunges (45#/33#)
21 Burpees
* Let your trailing knee gently kiss the ground on each lunge


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Quote of the day: “I pay for this?!” ~ Cathy mid burpee

Cathy and Jello Legs:

Jello Legs

What’s tougher than walking lunges? Overhead weighted walking lunges. What’s even worse than that? Adding burpees! This main site WOD is a classic hard hitter. Who’s quads are feeling happy?

Coaching tip: The Barbell OH Walking Lunge with Adriana 

OH Walking Lunge_Adriana

  • Barbell overhead in a wide grip (either snatch/OH grip or push press grip)
  • Active shoulders
  • Look straight ahead
  • Lunge forward, keeping knee behind the toe box
  • Trailing knee gently kisses the ground
  • Step long and through continuing this pattern
  • Rest in place with barbell on the ground; not continuing to walk forward

This fires me up! Watch “Death by Clean and Jerk” with Mikko Salo, CrossFit Journal Preview video [wmv] [mov]


Saturday schedule: “Awesome” practice will be held at 9am and 10am tomorrow. 9am is full, 10am is open! Come celebrate Moe’s birthday with a WOD…

Do you take Fish Oil? We are working with Barlean’s to get more info around pricing for group orders. Let us know if you are interested as they have great quality fish oil (both adults and kids). 

You asked for it! Literally! Want to know what is sugar or artificial sweetener? Or how it is cleverly marketed and packaged into what we eat? Want an easy list to identify them? Whole9 took the suggestion from our workshop (can’t remember who asked) and posted about it. Read Whole9’s “Sugar = Sugar = Sugar

Building Blocks

Strength WOD:


Checkout WOD:

4 Rounds for Time: 
5 Deadlift (225#/135#)
10 Knees-to-Elbows
15 Burpees


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Mish_DL PR

The deadlift is one of the building blocks to getting strong and developing a solid core. Done consistently the gains will more than pay off across the board in other strength exercises and WOD’s in general. The deadlift forms the core lift we use any time we pick up a barbell, dumbbells, med ball, kettlebell, etc. Get strong so you can go faster and lift heavier. 

Talk about getting strong, here are a few examples of some of you who smashed some PR’s today from the last time we did a 5RM deadlift: Eli who went up 30 lbs. from 175 to 205 lbs., Rob who went from 205 to 285 lbs. and Michele B. (Mish) who went from a 1 rep max at 205 lbs. to a 5 rep max at 205 lbs.!

Coaching Tips: The Deadlift with Rob

  • Think “Stance, Grip and Position” on every single lift
  • Stance: Feet under hips, bar is around 1″ from the shins
  • Grip: Symmetrical on the bar, use either parallel, alternate or hook
  • Position: Lumbar curve, core tight, shoulders in front of bar and scapulae over bar, head straight ahead, weight on heels
  • The Lift: 1) Hips and Shoulders rise together 2) Weight stays on heels 3) Arms are straps (no bend) 4) Stand straight up 5) Bar travels up in a straight line along the legs 6) Stand tall, open hips and don’t hyper-extend by leaning back dramatically

Rob_Deadlift - 1Rob_Deadlift - 2Rob_Deadlift - 3Rob_Deadlift - 4


Welcome Maria and James who both finished Elements this week!

“Questions” with Jason Khalipa – a CrossFit Games video [wmv] [mov]

Watch the best explanation for how to butterfly kip I have seen yet. If you cannot already do dead hang or kipping pull-ups well then stay patient and focus on those. The butterfly is an advanced technique to progress to once you have a very solid kipping pull-up. 

The Butterfly Kipping Pull-up explained with Chris Spealler: