Hang Over

Strength WOD:

1 Hang Clean (Squat) + 1 Clean (Squat)

* Touch and Go

Conditioning WOD:

3 Rounds for time of:

10 Hang Squat Cleans (135#/95#)
10 Burpees
10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups


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Hang Clean_Jon

Great clean work up front and a deceptive and spicy checkout. If it looks easy it isn’t!

Clean or Hang Clean focus areas: Weight in heels or midfoot, shoulders over the bar at set-up and during first pull, and lats are squeezed “on”. Accelerate in the middle and bring the bar to the hips with shoulders finishing behind the bar at the top of your extension or “jump”. Pull yourself under quickly and land with weight in the heels in a strong front squat with chest and elbows up with open hands. Bounce up out of the squat.

Two outstanding slow motion examples:

Lydia Valentin 140kg (308 lbs.) Clean Slow Motion 

Jon North 180kg (396 lbs.) Clean Slow Motion

Cleans_Rob W

CrossFit Games Update: March 25, 2014 – [video]

CF Bellevue Announcement: Backstage Pass: Open Workout 14.4 – [video]