Tabata: KB Swings, Air Squats, AbMat Sit-ups and Kettlebell SDHP

Tabata: KB Swings, Air Squats, AbMat Sit-ups and Kettlebell SDHP

Tabata Kettlebell Swing, pick load
Rest 1 min
Tabata Air Squat
Rest 1 min
Tabata AbMat Sit-up
Rest 1 min
Tabata Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High-pull, pick load

The Tabata interval is 20 secs of work followed
by 10 secs of rest for 8 intervals.
Tabata score is the total reps performed in all of the intervals.

Photo by @robcwilson @snoridgecrossfit

If it stays dry this Tuesday and Wednesday we will have outdoor classes available. Sign up for a spot on MindBody as there are still some open!