Team Lifting: Deadlift: 3RM & Team WOD: AMRAP 15 mins: Deadlifts, Hand Release Push-Ups and Rows

Team Lifting: Deadlift: 3RM

Teams of 2 share a bar and find your Deadlift 3 Rep Max.
* 8 minutes total for each person to find a 3RM Touch and go DL. No drops from the top.

Team WOD: AMRAP 15 mins: Deadlifts, Hand Release Push-Ups and Rows

As a team of 2 complete as many rounds as possible in 15 mins of:
9 Deadlifts (185#/135#)
12 Hand Release Push-Ups
Row 150m
*  Alternate each individual movement with your partner. Touch and go DL, no drop from top.

Photo by @robcwilson
Be sure to get your 18.3 score submitted by 5PM PST on Monday. If you need to make up the Open WOD you must complete it by the 4pm class and submit your score.
18.3 Recap: Panic and Confusion
