Team WOD: 1RM Snatch & Team WOD: AMRAP 12 mins: Double Unders and Power Snatch

Team WOD: 12 Min to find a 1RM Snatch

As a team of 2 take 12 minutes to find:

1RM Snatch
12 minutes total for each member to each establish a 1RM.
* One barbell per team. Change loads as needed.
** Alternate lifts until time is up.
*** Squat or Power
Post total weight/loads lifted as a team.

Team WOD: AMRAP 12 mins: Double Unders and Power Snatch

As a team of 2 complete as many rounds as possible of:
25 Double Unders
12 Power Snatches (75#/55#)

* Alternate after each full round with your partner.
Post total rounds.


SnoRidge CrossFit_Bands

Photo by @robcwilson

We need your help!

Rule #1 in our gym: Clean up after yourself.

We need your help to keep things organized, clean, and cared for. Please remember to put your equipment back neatly after you use it in the proper place. This means ALL equipment; whether it’s a PVC, abMat, dumbbell, band, box, ball or weight. Lately things have been getting sloppy. If you find something out of place do everyone a favor and put it where it goes, or better yet remind your WOD-buddy to put it back before they leave.

Making sure that ropes are hung and rollers are put back on their holders; bands, wall balls and kettlebells are sorted by color; and bumpers and weights are on the correct tree all mean when the next person needs to find it they know where to look.

Please also wipe down what you use, and throw the wipes away in the trash can in the lobbies, not in the chalk bucket.

Collars: Please don’t throw the collars back in the bucket. The red lock tabs can snap off easily which renders the collar useless. This means we then have to buy more. This can be avoided by placing the collars back in the bucket and not tossing them in from several feet away.

Thanks for helping keep our gym clean and awesome!
