Team WOD: AMRAP Clean & Jerk Ladder

Team WOD: AMRAP Clean & Jerk Ladder

As a Team of 2; complete as many reps as possible in 20 minutes of:

30 clean and jerks (95#/65#)
30 clean and jerks (115#/75#)
30 clean and jerks (135#/85#)
30 clean and jerks (155#/95#)
30 clean and jerks (175#/105#)
30 clean and jerks (195#/115#)
* One works at a time; one barbell per team, adjust load as you go.
** Athletes must increase the weight of the barbell after each set of 30 reps.
Score total reps as a team.


SnoRidge CF_Clean and Jerk by Rob W

Photo by @robcwilson

10 good observations on CrossFit worth reading:

Pat Sherwood: A Reflection On 10 Years Of CrossFit
