Team WOD: Team Glen

Team WOD:

Team “Glen

As a team of 2 complete for time:
40 Clean & Jerks (135#/95#)
Run 1 mile (400m shuttle. You and your partner will run twice for a total of 800m)
10 Rope climbs, 15 ft.
Run 1 mile (400m shuttle run w/partner)
100 Burpees

* One works, one rests.
Post total time.
Former U.S. Navy SEAL Glen Doherty, 42, of Winchester, Massachusetts, assigned to a State Department security detail in Benghazi, Libya, died in an attack on a U.S. consulate on September 11, 2012. He is survived by his parents, Ben and Barbara, sister Katie, and brother Greg. ~

Photo by @robcwilson
