Muscle-ups : 3x Max Rep & 3 RFT: Run, Power Cleans and AbMat Sit-ups

Muscle-ups : 3x Max Rep or MU Practice

Muscle-ups 3x Max Rep

Muscle-up Practice (Progressions, Strict Pull-up, Ring Dip, False Grip, Ring Pull-up, Kip, etc.)

3 RFT: Run, Power Cleans and AbMat Sit-ups

3 rounds for time of:
Run 600m
10 Power Cleans (155#/105#)
40 AbMat Sit-ups


Happy birthday Mums!

Bday WOD_Mums

Check out who made the CF Games Update show tonight! This is so cool to see:

CrossFit Games Update: Teen Edition

Run CoachingCongrats to Saer on his 250th WOD and to Barbara on her 400th! We’ve had a lot of milestones lately. I need to reorder 100 WOD T-shirts for women, so please let me know your size if you want one.

This weekend we have a bunch of people competing at the Whiskey Throttle Throwdown in Woodinville at CrossFit Nine in the team competition. There are 7 from SRCF who will be competing in various divisions. If you are interested in future competitions there are many in the gym who can point you to where to learn about upcoming events.


Results cont