Over Easy?

Strength WOD:

Overhead Squat


2010 NW Regionals Event 1:

3 Rounds for Time: 

10 Overhead Squat (135#/95#)
50 Double-Unders


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OHS x 5

The WOD today was the first WOD of the 2010 Northwest Regionals; a nasty short couplet that taxes the lungs. I’ll never forget this WOD at that Regionals, especially Chris Spealler doing this in under 3 minutes. At that time he weighed 135 lbs. and completed 30 bodyweight overhead squats and 150 double-unders in less than 3 minutes. 

Chris Spealler Top Time (2:39) 2010 NW Regional Event 1 [wmv] [mov]

McDreamy demo’s the WOD:

OHS_Spencer DU_Spencer 

The movie the food industry doesn’t want you to see. Fed Up: The Official Trailer 


The schedule for the NW Regionals weekend is out (May 16-18). Go here to see the event start times by heat for individuals and teams.

Stay tuned for announcements of any potential SRCF class schedule adjustments for Friday May 16 and Saturday May 17.

Essay Challenge Winner

Dan’s Winning “Stop the Slop Challenge” Essay (He will be receiving some swag, stuff, and money and will announce prizes for all winners as soon as we retest the Performance Challenge WOD this next Monday):

Pushups and Coconut Milk: Finding the Cure for Low Expectations

By Dan L.


It’s easy to have low expectations – the low hanging fruit for our self-confidence. Low expectations are almost always a sure thing and they rarely lead to disappointment. With low expectations, it’s easy to feel like we have accomplished something, even if that something was never that difficult to begin with – no challenge and very little reward. Truthfully, setting low expectations is just one way of saying to ourselves that we are content with mediocrity, which is a profane term that means we have made the choice never to experience the fullness of the life that has been laid out for us. As such, we will simply do what is comfortable which can be a gray and muted existence filled with the absence of passion. Dante speaks candidly and uncomfortably about mediocrity when he says that, “this miserable way is taken by the sorry souls of those who lived without disgrace and without praise.” In an effort to prevent failure, we may inadvertently sacrifice truly living.

Sadly, I believe that fear is the reason we are all too often satisfied with mediocrity. The fear of failure can be paralyzing and the fear of being looked upon by others as insufficient can be downright fatal – causing us to do everything in our power to simply blend in. Apply this to any aspect of our lives. As I’m writing I think, “I thought this was just supposed to be a high school problem.” I wish it was, but in my experience it seems that adults (all of us) have the same fears and insecurities we did when we were teenagers, but with the added pressures and responsibilities that come with being a “grown-up.”

All of this plays out in the arena of fitness, just as it does in business, family and every other area of life. In a culture that thrives on the pursuit of physical perfection (or should I say the appearance of it), our fears are feasted upon by judgmental eyes and gossiping mouths. It’s easy to look at the media and advertising, which we are inundated with every day, and choose to see everything we are not. Our vision for fitness may become more about being someone else than being the best version of who we already are. We let this strange twist on reality set unattainable expectations that only serve to feed the fear and medicate by simply lowering the expectations instead of changing them.

If we can pick one fear to start with – one fear to put to death – why not choose our fear of physical health? Why not make the decision to push ourselves and change our expectations? Too many hours in my own life have been consumed with fear and mediocrity, and it simply isn’t worth it. Enough with low expectations. In fact I think there is only one expectation worth having – to live the life that has been given to us and strive for excellence in everything even if it means experiencing failure.

There is nothing magical about these thirty days – nothing that can’t be undone in one week of normalcy. Yet it challenges us, if we choose to see it this way, to something greater. It challenges us to raise the bar in one area of our life – physical health. It challenges us to reject our fear of failure and our fear of insufficiency and see what excellence might actually look like for us. If I can fuel and train my body by constantly testing my limits and tracking my progress, can I not do the same for my mind and soul? All of these together are what make us human, and make us excellent at the things that matter: spouse, parent, and friend.

What if I fail at eating healthy? What if I am too entrenched in my old ways? What if I can’t find a way to substitute coconut milk for everything? What if I have to perform all of my god-forsaken hand-release pushups from my knees? One thing is for certain – if I don’t try, nothing will change, and that is what I am most afraid of (well, maybe not the coconut milk). Stop the Slop is whatever we choose to make of it, but I see it as another opportunity to see the fear in my life diminish into a puddle of blood and sweat on the floor (which must be properly wiped down and sanitized of course).

Pull Practice

Strength WOD:



For time:

500m Row
2 Minute Rest
400m Row
2 Minute Rest
300m Row
2 Minute Rest
200m Row
2 Minute Rest
100m Row 


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Row Rest

Stop the Slop Announcement #1: Dan L. is our Essay Challenge Winner! Prizes are going to be announced along with other winners (Weight Loss and Performance WOD) but I wanted to put it out there and we will share his awesome essay on tomorrow’s post. Congrats!


Gym Update: Progress! Painting finished last night and assembly has begun. It’s gonna start looking like a real gym again!

As the flooring, Rogue rig, and other things start getting put together and more organized, please help us out by doing the following regularly:

  1. Please help to put things back where they belong neatly! (ex. PVC’s back in the bucket, abMats stacked on each other not thrown onto the shelf, items that are mobility go only in the mobility bin which is labelled, bumpers and bars back in the correct spots, rowers back with other rowers, foam rollers back together or on the holder, etc.)
  2. Wipe down ALL equipment after you use it. This cuts down dramatically on the spread of World War Z through the box.
  3. Take your shit with you! If you brought a water bottle, 65 pack of hair scrunchies, 3 layers of t-shirts and hoody’s, pajama bottoms, 3 pairs of shoes, shakers, toys, games, chargers, etc. then leave with it! The lost/found will soon just be a “Lost” container where whatever goes in will be a mystery like the TV show and you will have no idea what happened to it. <Read: Trash Bin>
  4. Just to hammer this point a little more, PVC’s back in the bucket! There is only one bucket for them. The bathrooms, lobby, squat racks, gym floor, upstairs rooms, and squatch cave are not suitable for this, even if it seems like fun driving me batshit crazy.
  5. Don’t break stuff. Look I get it that stuff breaks. However, rowers don’t roll themselves into walls, bars don’t carry themselves into door frames, collars don’t fly across the room towards a bucket, barbells don’t fall on the floor and loaded bars with 5 and 10 lb. bumpers don’t spontaneously fall from overhead and become taco shells. Stuff is expensive. It’s like a law of science that in CrossFit gyms anything you break looks cheap but probably cost at least a $150 to $250 or more. As stuff breaks, we have to then decide how and when to replace it, meaning less stuff for everyone to use and wasteful spending. Please help us by treating it as if it is your own. Because honestly our gym is yours. It’s for our community of CrossFitters to come in and expect that our stuff is nice, functional and ready for you to be awesome with.


4 Rounds for time:

400m Run
25 Kettlebell Swings (53#/35#)
40 Squats

or for those who did the above WOD at 0630 Thursday:

4 Rounds for time:

500m Row
400m Run

Results (both for Thurs 0630 and Fri classes)

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Choose Your WOD

So far the gym in on track and the larger space looks great! Next week is the framing/construction of the demising walls (for sound) and then sheetrocking and painting. While the demo and construction is underway the programming will adapt to what space and equipment we can access. Thanks for the patience and I promise you we will still do CrossFit during this phase. (Zumba doesn’t start until Sean finishes his dance training)

SRCF 4.0

“Speed Training” with Dan Bailey – video [ipod] [mov] [HD mov]

Constantly Varied Kitchen: Deep-Dish Breakfast Pizza” with Nick Massie, CrossFit Journal video [ipod] [mov] [720 HD] [1080 HD] and recipe [pdf]

Safety Brief

Strength WOD:

Split Jerk


For time:

30 Burpees
40 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
400m Run
50 Double-Unders
500m Row


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Yay Burpees

GET SIGNED UP! The 2014 CF Games Open registration is live. Sign up and join the SnoRidge team! We will be running the Open WOD’s each Friday beginning 2/28 for five weeks.

Open For Fitness – [videoRegistration for the 2014 Reebok CrossFit Games Open is live.

Split Jerk_Jules Split Jerk_Kelby

I posted this to our Facebook group today but wanted to post here to ensure everyone in the gym sees this.

A Word on Safety: 

In light of the accident to Kevin Ogar I have been thinking a ton on this topic. As I watched cleans last night (and while I was lifting) the whole topic of safety was on my mind. I think the tragic accident that occurred at the OC Throwdown serves as a reminder to all of us on the topic of SAFETY. I believe we are a very safe gym. From coaches to athletes we all are acutely aware of how to be safe. Having a small space has driven great awareness, that said it’s never a bad thing to revisit.

Please read these rules and apply every time you lift. Educate others if the opportunity shows itself.

  1. Know what you can do, in that moment, and listen to that voice in your head. If you are thinking “this looks or feels really bad” then it likely is. Stop and reassess or reset! 
  2. Always put technique over load. A “PR at any price” is a recipe for disaster.
  3. Situational Awareness Part 1: Be aware of your surroundings. Look for other lifters/movers. When someone is about to lift, DON’T WALK IN FRONT OR BEHIND THEM. You don’t know which way the bar may go if they bail the lift. It can easily go into you and back into them. Think of it like golf, you don’t talk and move around in someone’s back-swing, ever.
  4. Situational Awareness Part 2: Keep your work area organized and clean. Don’t make a pile of bumpers and collars around where you lift. Take the 5 seconds to move things out of the way to the SIDES of the barbell and not in the path of someone else’s. Tripping or stepping on something is that link in the chain that leads to a bigger accident.
  5. Know HOW TO FAIL. If you don’t know and can’t execute a proper barbell drop from any position, then you shouldn’t be going for a minimal or maximal load in that position. If you can’t re-rack a bar to your back or front rack on your body, then learn that technique before adding weight for a set of lifts. If you can’t or don’t feel comfortable dropping the bar with weights, then you need to learn how to control it and execute it.
  6. Re-read #1. If your buddy, class or coach encourages you to “add more” and you have little to no confidence on your ability to do it, or if you simply don’t “have it” that day, then take personal responsibility to be safe and scale yourself appropriately.
  7. If you are unsure, then ASK your coach and then LISTEN to what they have to say (I said LISTEN and not HEAR! Listen = Understanding)

– Please keep them in the Cave! We’ve been lax specifically in this area lately. It’s the one area I believe we all need to be better about. They need stay in that area to avoid a catastrophe. It may not be fun for them but it’s safe. 
No more upstairs (where the unpredictable can occur due to lack of supervision). Imagine your kid alone in a room with rings, slam balls, GHD’s, boxes and pull-up bars. Throw in some sticks and mats and it’s like their own personal Ninja Warrior compound.
– No fight club or jumping around the lobby. 
– Under the right circumstances they can sit quietly in the lobby if they are old enough and under self control, but ideally they need to be in the cave. It’s only for an hour. If they can’t handle it then they should remain at home. 

Thanks everyone!

"Stop the Slop" Performance Challenge 2.0

For Time:
400m Run 
40 Squats
30 AbMat Sit-ups
20 Push-ups
10 Pull-ups
20 Power Snatch (115#/75#)
10 Pull-ups
20 Push-ups
30 AbMat Sit-ups 
40 Squats 
400m Run


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Sisterly Support:

Sister Support_Stop the Slop

Today was day 1 of our annual “Stop the Slop Challenge”; a 30 day nutrition, performance and essay challenge. This time we brought back the mash-up WOD but with a twist of “Baseline” and “Isabel” at a lighter load. Pairing up with someone to serve as your judge/counter enforced quality of movement and helped push your performance.

There are three challenges you can choose to participate in but you must “buy-in” to be eligible to win any of them. For those who are opting in to take any/or all three challenge(s) make sure you sign-up and bring your buy-in ($25 cash money for each challenge) no later than Wednesday Jan. 8. If you want to do two challenges and be eligible to win two then it’s $50 into the pot. 

To better understand the specific challenges READ YESTERDAY’S POST.

  • For the performance challenge we will revisit this WOD on Feb. 4th to see who makes the most improvement. However you scaled this WOD to start the challenge is exactly how you will repeat it.  This way we can measure % improved to determine a winner.
  • For those tackling the nutrition challenge make sure you get your weight recorded by Wed. of this week. On Monday 2/4 and Tuesday 2/5 we will do the final weigh-in’s to calculate the person with the most % of weight loss.
  • Anyone choosing the essay challenge must submit their essay by Wednesday 2/6. All essays will be judged by the coaches and voted for the best essay.
  • Prizes will be determined based on number of participants who buy-in. 


If you are buying-in to the Performance Challenge and missed today’s workout you can make it up this week through Wednesday 1/8 but you will have to re-test on 2/4. If you don’t want to participate in any of the above challenges then simply show up for class and hit the workout hard each day. Nothing new.

Coach’s Tips:

For the next 30 days make them count. If you want to see positive results you have to have consistency. Consistency in your workouts, nutrition, recovery, and mobility. No matter what challenge you enter remember you cannot work your way out of a poor diet. You will see better results by sticking with a clean and healthy nutrition plan every single day then you will by coming in here and getting your ass kicked 2-4 times a week.

If you do this then you will see positive changes at the end of 30 days and beyond. Changes in your appearance maybe, but definitely changes in how you feel, recover, and function. If you make it through the first 30 days by stopping the slop you will have reached a point where you will likely know what effects both processed, refined sugar, alcohol and low carb crap has vs. what clean, natural foods have on your body. Then you will have an informed lifestyle choice to make.

We encourage everyone to eat clean and have provided everyone resources to use. If you aren’t following a paleo diet or a strict Whole30 then consider the Advocare 24 Day Challenge that is a 10 day Cleanse followed by a 14 day MNS (Metabolic Nutrition System) Phase that enhances weight loss when combined with clean eating.

Questions about food? Dig out the Whole9 Nutrition Guides you got in OnRamp and read up on what you should and should not be eating. Give it a shot. What have you got to lose?

The other part of the challenge is to focus on technique. Make every effort every time you come in the gym to learn, practice and perfect your movement. If you do that the PR’s will come and the injury bug will stay away.  3-2-1 Go!

Nutrition: How To Win An Argument With A Nutritionist – authoritynutrition.com

Interview techniques: Danny Broflex: Episode 1 – The Interview – video [ipod] [mov] [HD mov]

Back Down

Strength WOD:

20 Minutes to find a 1RM:
Back Squat

Conditioning WOD:

15-12-9-6-3 reps of each of the following for time:
Back Squat (115#/75#)

* Alternate Back Squat and Burpees. Must clean or snatch bar from ground.


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Back Down

PR’s all around today! After the latest cycle of back squats with 5 rep, 3 rep, and 2 rep loadings it was well past time to see what our 1 rep maxes were. 


The 2014 CrossFit Games Open is almost upon us! Registration starts 1/15 with the first WOD announced on Thursday 2/27.  The Open will run 5 workouts over 5 weeks through 3/27. The Northwest Regionals will be held on Weekend 2 of the Regionals on 5/16-5/18.

2014 CrossFit Games Open and Regional Schedule


Next Monday on 1/6 we will kick off our annual 30 day Stop the Slop Performance challenge. Will we see a minor tweak to the WOD? Unknown and unknowable. Read up on last year’s at the link above for more details and get ready to clean it up! 

The All New Whole30.com Whole9

Run, Pull, Run

For time:
800m Run

Then 4 Rounds of:
5 Muscle-ups
15 Deadlifts (225#/155#)

800m Run

* Runs are ‘bookends”; run one 800m at the beginning then after 4 rds. of the couplet complete one 800m run


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Pull and Pull_Lou and Cathy Rest

If you ordered a 12th Man SRCF shirt or thermal and have not picked it up please come get it. Any pre-orders not claimed will be up for sale to the gym soon.

Congrats Debra on getting 3 muscle-ups in a WOD tonight! I’m not sure what was more awesome, you getting that first one or the PR yell I heard from the front lobby.

See you all for an awesome team WOD and advanced class on my favorite day, Saturday!

NOT Paleo but delicious: “Constantly Varied Kitchen: Sweet Cheats – Bananas Foster” with Nick Massie – CrossFit Journal video [ipod] [mov] [720 HD] [1080 HD] and recipe [pdf]

What Is Strong? Real World Strength Standards For Raw, Natural Lifters ~ muscleandbrawn.com


New Year’s Week:

  • 12/30: Normal schedule Monday 
  • 12/31: 0630, 0830, 0930, 1030 classes ONLY on Tuesday! NO PM CLASSES!
  • 1/1: CLOSED  Happy New Year!
  • 1/2 – 1/4: Normal schedule Thursday through Saturday

Snatch Friday

Strength WOD:



21-15-9 Reps of each for time of:

Overhead Squat (115#/75#)
Ring Dips


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Natalie hits “500”:

500 WOD Club

Congrats to Natalie who recorded her 500th WOD today and proudly wore her “500th WOD Club” t-shirt (I love the pic above). That’s a lot of work and dedication to not only CrossFit but also shows discipline to track every single workout she’s done in SRCF. I remember when Natalie started and couldn’t hold a training bar overhead and now she’s using her fitness to snatch 70 lbs! 

If you have recorded 100, 250, or 500 WOD’s here at SRCF then you are eligible to get your WOD Club t-shirt. Make sure you track your WOD’s in your logbook or on beyondthewhiteboard.com to stay on track.

If anyone wants to make this for Christmas morning let me know and I’ll be over.

Constantly Varied Kitchen: Christmas-Morning Quiche Lorraine” with Nick Massie – CrossFit Journal video [ipod] [mov] [720 HD] [1080 HD] and recipe [pdf]

Receiving Pos_Rob W

Holiday Schedule:

  • 12/23: Normal schedule Monday 
  • 12/24: 0630, 0830, 0930, 1030 classes ONLY! NO PM CLASSES!
    • We will be doing the “12 WOD’s of Christmas” annual workout
    • Wear a bad Christmas sweater if you have it
  • 12/25: CLOSED Santa for time! Merry Christmas!
  • 12/26 – 12/28: Normal schedule Thursday through Saturday
  • Stay tuned for New Year’s week schedule