Bench Press 8-6-4-2 & 3 RFT: Runs, Wall Climbs and Kettlebell Swings

Bench Press 8-6-4-2

Bench Press 8-6-4-2

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Rest as needed between sets.

3 RFT: Runs, Wall Climbs and Kettlebell Swings

3 rounds for time of:
Run 600m
5 Wall Climbs
20 Kettlebell Swings (70#/53#)


SnoRidge CF_Open 16.1 Announcement

Photo by @robcwilson

Fri “Day-Night” Lights begins tomorrow.  All day Friday the programmed WOD will be CrossFit Games Open 16.1.

I am running a 3pm class only for tomorrow in addition to the other normal class times. Come ready to rock. Warm up quickly and be patient as this WOD requires logistics that may require some to lunge and burpee outside. If you have knee sleeves you will want to wear them.

Since we need to run two heats in most classes and this is a 2o minute AMRAP there is not much time for warming up since you will be judging and then going.

For workout details on 16.1 go here:

View full workout details and the scorecard .

2016 Open Announcements

Update Show: Bob Harper Interview

The Curse of the Open Announcement?

Results TBD

Results cont

Front Squat 6-6-6 & 3 RFT: Rows, Rope Climbs and Runs

SnoRidge CrossFit_Rope ClimbFront Squat 6-6-6

Front Squat 6-6-6

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Rest as needed between sets.

3 RFT: Rows, Rope Climbs and Runs

3 rounds for time of:
Row 500m
3 Rope Climbs, 15 ft
Run 400m


Photo by @robcwilson

SRCF Semi-Elite Competitive Exerciser Count: 48 Registered

Congrats to Will Z. for getting his first few muscle-ups last night! Also congrats to David, Taylor, and Lindsay for recently completing all rope climbs in a WOD!

Tomorrow is the Open Announcement for 16.1. Come to the lobby at 5pm for the live announcement we will stream in the lobby.

Open for Fitness: 2016


Results cont

Alt EMOM 10 mins: Muscle-ups and Strict Handstand Push-ups & Chipper

SnoRidge CrossFit_Box JumpsAlt EMOM 10 mins: Muscle-ups and Strict Handstand Push-ups

Every 1 min for 10 mins, alternating between:
3 Muscle-ups
5 Strict Handstand Push-ups
*Odd Minutes MU, Even Minutes Strict HSPU

Chipper: Run, Push Press, Box Jumps, Power Snatch, Pull-ups, Burpees

For time:
Run 800m
50 Push Press (75#/55#)
40 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
30 Power Snatches (75#/55#)
20 Pull-ups
10 Burpees


Photo by @robcwilson

SRCF Semi-Elite Competitive Exerciser Count: 40 Registered

A couple of you are having issues with selecting our affiliate or team in the drop downs. I went through the Affiliate Manager process again with the site so please try again.  If you are still having issues please let me know so I can email CF Games Support to have them try to fix it.

How It Works at SRCF:

Open WOD 16.1 will be announced this Thursday at 5pm and we will have it live on the TV in the lobby. Come join in the excitement/horror at what awaits us all!

The WOD will be programmed on Friday all day for all classes.  Make-ups are to be coordinated in advance so the coach can be prepared for having a judge and any logistics planned. Make-up times can be requested if you are unable to make a Friday class.  You have until Monday at 5pm PST to submit your score correctly.  Don’t be the person that every year does an Open WOD and forgets to submit their score on time and gets a “0” or DNF for the Open.  We will repeat this each week for all 5 weeks of the Open.

“Friday Night Lights”:

Many people choose to complete their Open WOD on Friday in the PM Classes. We encourage people to make that time their fitness festival, their Exerciseapalooza, or their Happy Hour where you can bring some drinks and laugh at everyone else as they freak out prior to doing a workout that is basically what we already do everyday just with different movements, loads and time domains. Meaning CrossFit.

If you are registered then you will be able to choose to perform either the Open WOD as Rx’d or Scaled.  There are two versions. If you choose the RX version you will complete as many RX reps in the specified time. If you cannot get past a certain movement then your official score will stop there. To get a good workout we encourage you to scale from that point to improve your fitness.

If you are choosing the Scaled Open WOD then you must not scale the WOD any further than it is specified to post a valid score. If you cannot get past a certain movement then your official score will stop there. To get a good workout we encourage you to scale even further from that point to improve your fitness.

You will get to decide each week whether you are RX or Scaled.

Class announcement:

During the entire Open we will have a 6am Class time on M/T/W/F and no 6am Thursday class. This will begin this Friday and will allow for Friday and Monday options to complete the Open WOD for the early risers.

Judging for the Open:

How will judging work? As in previous year’s, we will run waves or “heats” with each class.  You will buddy up and one will judge while one completes the WOD.  As a judge your responsibility is to monitor that movement standards, range of motion, and recording the rep count requirements are met. That is your main purpose.

Cheering and pushing your partner along is on you. So long as you hold them to the standard, we absolutely encourage you to motivate your partner (as long as they want that too). When they are not meeting the standard the expectation is that you “no rep” and ensure they adjust.

If you are uncomfortable judging simply let your coach know. You won’t have to judge!

If you want to learn how to be a better judge and develop an eye for range of motion I suggest taking this Online Judges Course from CrossFit.

The CrossFit Open, Explained.

 Rent “Froning” Documentary for 99¢ (Feb. 15 – 29)


Results cont

EMOM for 11 mins: Hang Squat Snatch & AMRAP 12 mins: Air Squats, Push-up (hand release) and Toes-to-bars

Every 1 min for 11 mins: Hang Squat Snatch

2 Hang Squat Snatches, pick load

Every 1 min for 11 mins.
Do not have to be UB.

SnoRidge CrossFit_Toes to BarAMRAP 12 mins: Air Squats, Push-up (hand release) and Toes-to-bars

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 mins of:
20 Air Squats
10 Push-up (hand release)
5 Toes-to-bars


Photo by @robcwilson

Judging for the Open:

Please read yesterday’s post on how the Open will be run at SRCF for the next 5 weeks.

How will judging work? As in previous year’s, we will run waves or “heats” with each class.  You will buddy up and one will judge while one completes the WOD.  As a judge your responsibility is to monitor that movement standards, range of motion, and recording the rep count requirements are met. That is your main purpose.

Cheering and pushing your partner along is on you. So long as you hold them to the standard, we absolutely encourage you to motivate your partner (as long as they want that too). When they are not meeting the standard the expectation is that you “no rep” and ensure they adjust.

If you are uncomfortable judging simply let your coach know. You won’t have to judge!

If you want to learn how to be a better judge and develop an eye for range of motion I suggest taking this Online Judges Course from CrossFit.

Update Show: Men to Watch in 2016

How to Watch the Open Announcements


Results cont

Advanced RX: CrossFit Total II & AMReps 10 mins: Run, Bar Muscle-ups, Front Squats

Advanced RX Class:

SnoRidge CrossFit_1RM MissCrossFit Total II

Clean 1 rep
Bench Press 1 rep
Overhead Squat 1 rep

Clean is from the ground, power or squat.

AMReps 10 mins: Run, Bar Muscle-ups, Front Squats

As many reps as possible in 10 mins of:
Run 800m
1 Bar Muscle-up
1 Front Squat (185#/125#)
2 Bar Muscle-ups
2 Front Squats
3 Bar Muscle-ups
3 Front Squats
4 Bar Muscle-ups
4 Front Squats
5 Bar Muscle-ups
5 Front Squats
6 Bar Muscle-ups
6 Front Squats
7 Bar Muscle-ups
7 Front Squats
8 Bar Muscle-ups
8 Front Squats
Continue to add +1 rep each on Bar MU and FS until 10 min cap.

Post total reps.


Photo by @robcwilson

We have 37 semi-competitive exercisers registered for the Open. If you are waiting to sign up then wait no more. Sign the F Up!

How It Works at SRCF:

Open WOD 16.1 will be announced this Thursday at 5pm and we will have it live on the TV in the lobby. Come join in the excitement/horror at what awaits us all!

The WOD will be programmed on Friday all day for all classes.  Make-ups are to be coordinated in advance so the coach can be prepared for having a judge and any logistics planned. Make-up times can be requested if you are unable to make a Friday class.  You have until Monday at 5pm PST to submit your score correctly.  Don’t be the person that every year does an Open WOD and forgets to submit their score on time and gets a “0” or DNF for the Open.  We will repeat this each week for all 5 weeks of the Open.

“Friday Night Lights”:

Many people choose to complete their Open WOD on Friday in the PM Classes. We encourage people to make that time their fitness festival, their Exerciseapalooza, or their Happy Hour where you can bring some drinks and laugh at everyone else as they freak out prior to doing a workout that is basically what we already do everyday just with different movements, loads and time domains. Meaning CrossFit.

If you are registered then you will be able to choose to perform either the Open WOD as Rx’d or Scaled.  There are two versions. If you choose the RX version you will complete as many RX reps in the specified time. If you cannot get past a certain movement then your official score will stop there. To get a good workout we encourage you to scale from that point to improve your fitness.

If you are choosing the Scaled Open WOD then you must not scale the WOD any further than it is specified to post a valid score. If you cannot get past a certain movement then your official score will stop there. To get a good workout we encourage you to scale even further from that point to improve your fitness.

You will get to decide each week whether you are RX or Scaled.

Tomorrow I will explain judging and how that will work.

Class announcement:

During the entire Open we will have a 6am Class time on M/T/W/F and no 6am Thursday class. This will begin this Friday and will allow for Friday and Monday options to complete the Open WOD for the early risers.

The CrossFit Open, Explained.

Lisa Wins for Best SRCF Open Athlete Profile


Back Squat 4-4-4-4 & 4 RFT: Double Unders, Walking Lunges, Ball Slams and Handstand Push Ups

SnoRidge CrossFit_Back SquatBack Squat 4-4-4-4

Back Squat 4-4-4-4

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Rest as needed between sets.

4 RFT: Double Unders, Walking Lunges, Ball Slams and Handstand Push Ups

4 rounds for time of:
40 Double Unders
30 Walking Lunges
20 Ball Slams
10 Handstand Push Ups


Photos by @robcwilson

SnoRidge CrossFit_Coach Jill

We are excited to announce that Jill will be one of our new coaches! Jill has been shadowing other coaches and an Intern for the past two months to learn and prepare to be a SnoRidge Coach. She completed her CF Level 1 Certificate Course awhile back while living in Ohio (along with her CF Kids Course) and is now ready to jump into coaching.

She will be coaching the 6pm Friday class as well as a *new* Monday 6am class.  The Monday 6am class will begin on 2/29 to coincide with the 1st week of the CF Games Open. Coach Lindsay will be coaching during the week on Thursday at 5pm and taking over one of the other weeknight classes. Next time you see Coach Jill give her a high five and congrats!

2016 CF Games Open:

We are at 37 people signed up the Open. I know there are some who registered but haven’t joined the team.  To do that you need to sign in and on the Registration page, look at the line that says “Team” and click edit.  Search for our gym and join.

If you are going to be traveling and will miss one of the Open WOD’s here at SRCF you might still be able to complete it at another affiliate.  Look up where you are traveling to and see if there is an affiliate nearby. Email them and ask if they are participating in the Open and if they are okay with you dropping in for the Open.  If the answer is “no” then I would encourage you to find a different affiliate to drop in at. After the Open WOD you will submit your score online for them to validate by selecting the gym you completed it at. They will validate it. Remember to pay their drop-in fee, follow their rules, thank their coaches and buy a T-Shirt. It’s one part of our CF Community example I still strongly support.

The last Open announcement is going to be a good one. At the “Ranch” in Aromas, CA (the home of the original Games); we will see Ben Smith take on Rich Froning and Mat Fraser for the final announcement.

Open Announcement 16.5: The Ranch


Results cont

Push Jerk 2-2-2-2-2 & AMRAP 8 mins: Deadlifts, Hang Power Cleans and Thrusters & "Tabata" – Hollow Rocks : 8 x 20 secs / 10 secs

Push Jerk 2-2-2-2-2

Push Jerk 2-2-2-2-2

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Rest as needed between sets.

AMRAP 8 mins: Deadlifts, Hang Power Cleans and Thrusters

Complete as many rounds as possible in 8 mins of:
7 Deadlifts (115#/75#) or (135#/95#)
5 Hang Power Cleans (115#/75#) or (135#/95#)
3 Thrusters (115#/75#) or (135#/95#)
* Two versions. Choose either 135# or 115#.


“Tabata” – Hollow Rocks : 8 x 20 secs / 10 secs

Tabata Hollow Rock

The Tabata interval is 20 secs of work followed by 10 secs of rest for 8 intervals.
Tabata score is the total reps performed in all of the intervals.


SnoRidge CrossFit_Hollow Rock

Photo by @robcwilson

They are mixing things up this year for the Open WOD announcements! Not only are they announcing them all in advance with which athletes are going head to head but they are also switching more things up. For the first time there will be a garage gym as one of the gyms and for another week we will see the 2015 Games Teens Champ (16-17 Boys) take on the 2014 and 2015 Masters Champ (40-44 Mens). Everything will kick off this coming week.  Stay tuned for details coming this Monday on how we will run the Open and what our schedule will be.

Open Announcement 16.1: NorCal CrossFit

Open Announcement 16.2: Garage Gym

Open Announcement 16.3: CrossFit JAX

Open Announcement 16.4: Colorado Springs


Results cont