WOD 2024.05.25

Team WOD: Chipper: Box Jumps, Ball Slams, Box Jump Overs, and Burpee Box Jump Overs

For time:
100 Box Jumps, 24/20 in
80 Ball Slams, 30/20 lbs
60 Box Jump Overs, 24/20 in
40 Ball Slams, 30/20 lbs
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24/20 in

Solo WOD: Chipper: Box Jumps, Ball Slams, Box Jump Overs, and Burpee Box Jump Overs

For time:
50 Box Jumps, 24/20 in
40 Ball Slams, 30/20 lbs
30 Box Jump Overs, 24/20 in
20 Ball Slams, 30/20 lbs
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24/20 in

Photo by @snoridgecrossfit

2024 CrossFit Games North America West Semifinal Winners and Qualifiers: Justin Medeiros, Abigail Domit Take First


WOD 2024.05.16

2 RFQ: Rope Climb, Handstand Walk and Muscle-up Practice

2 rounds for quality of:
Rope Climb Practice, 3 mins
Handstand Walk Practice, 3 mins
Muscle-up Practice, 3 mins

2 RFT: Run, Hand Release Push-ups, and Rope Climbs

2 rounds for time of:
Run, 200 m
30 Hand Release Push-ups
3 Rope Climbs, 15 ft
Run, 200 m
20 Hand Release Push-ups
2 Rope Climbs, 15 ft
Run, 200 m
10 Hand Release Push-ups
1 Rope Climb, 15 ft

Photo by @snoridgecrossfit

2024 CrossFit Semifinals Livestream Schedule Announced

Europe Semifinal Sees Massive Leaderboard Shake Up on Sunday


WOD 2024.05.10

Front Squat 3-3-3

Front Squat 3-3-3

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Rest as needed between sets.

FT: Run and Squat Cleans

For time:
Run, 400m
30 Squat Cleans, 95/65 lbs
Run, 400m
20 Squat Cleans, 115/85 lbs
Run, 400m
10 Squat Cleans, 135/95 lbs


Photo by @snoridgecrossfit

The 2024 CrossFit Games Semifinals start this week, and to kick things off, we are looking at some of our favorite moments from the recent Semifinals past. Who remembers Will Moorad’s 81-point comeback?


WOD 2024.05.06

Alt EMOM 10 mins: Strict Pull-ups and Ring Dips

Every 1 min for 10 mins, alternating between:
5 Strict Pull-ups
5 Ring Dips

AMRAP 20 mins: Bar Muscle-ups, Hand Release Push-Ups, Air Squats and Row Calories

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 mins of:
5 Bar Muscle-ups
10 Hand Release Push-Ups
15 Air Squats
20 Row Calories

Photo by @snoridgecrossfit

CrossFit Publishes Individual & Team Semifinal Events Hours After ‘Leak’


Results cont

WOD 2024.05.01

Bench Press 1RM

Log your best Bench Press 1 rep max lift.

Only log the heaviest 1 rep, do not include sets prior to it.

Murph Prep – Workout 1

4 rounds, 4 mins each, for max reps of:
Run, 400 m
max reps in remaining time [ 5 Pull-ups + 10 Push-ups + 15 Air Squat ]
Rest 1 min


Photo by @snoridgecrossfit

Athletes React to Quarterfinal Season-Ending Penalties


WOD 2024.04.22

Power Snatch 3-2-1-1-1

Power Snatch 3-2-1-1-1

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Rest as needed between sets.

Workout 1 – 2024 CrossFit Games Quarterfinals

4 rounds, 1 min per station, for max reps of:
Snatch (135/85)
Row Calorie
Dumbbell Box Step-up (50/35 lbs, 20″)
Rest 1 min

Rotate immediately to the next station every 1 min,
the clock does not stop or reset between stations.


Photo by @snoridgecrossfit


Results cont

Quarterfinals WOD Results

A Guide to the 2024 CrossFit Games Season

12 out of 15 people who advanced to the Individual and Age Group Quarterfinals competed through this past weekend. Four grueling workouts that were well progammed and super challenging for all! We take a lot of pride in how our gym qualified so many individuals and for how well everyone performed. There was a lot to learn both as athletes and as an overall gym in terms of areas to focus on and improve and things to continue doing. I’m already looking forward to next year’s competition season for SRCF!

Here’s the final standings:

WOD 2024.04.10

Alt EMOM 12 mins: Squat Snatches and Clean & Jerks

Every 1 min for 12 mins, alternating between:
1 Squat Snatch, pick load
1 Clean & Jerk, pick load


Pt. 1: 5 RFT: Squat Snatches and Run

5 rounds for time of:
3 Squat Snatches, pick load
Run 100m


Pt. 2: 5 RFT: Clean & Jerks and Run

5 rounds for time of:
3 Clean & Jerks, pick load
Run 100m


Photo by @snoridgecrossfit

Your Complete Guide to Mastering the Snatch


WOD 2024.04.09

Back Squat : 5 Rep Max

Log your best Back Squat 5 rep max lift.

Only log the heaviest 5 rep, do not include sets prior to it.


40-30-20-10: Back Squats, AbMat Sit-ups and Kettlebell Swings

40-30-20-10 reps, for time of:
Back Squat, 95/65 lbs
AbMat Sit-up
Kettlebell Swing, 53/35 lbs


Quarterfinals Athletes: FT: Muscle-ups, GHD Sit-ups, and Assault Bike Cal

For time:
5 Muscle-ups
10 GHD Sit-ups
10 Assault Bike Calories
4 Muscle-ups
8 GHD Sit-ups
8 Assault Bike Calories
3 Muscle-ups
6 GHD Sit-ups
6 Assault Bike Calories
2 Muscle-ups
4 GHD Sit-ups
4 Assault Bike Calories
1 Muscle-up
2 GHD Sit-ups
2 Assault Bike Calories


Photo by @snoridgecrossfit

A Quick Pivot: Hannah Black Talks Late Adjustment to “CrossFit Invictus Unconquerable” Roster
