"Tabata Something Else"

Perform 8 intervals of  20 seconds of work with 10 seconds of rest for each exercise. This will equal a total of 32 intervals (8 pull-ups, 8 push-ups, 8 sit-ups, 8 squats):

AbMat sit-ups


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Tabata: The longest 20 seconds and the fastest 10 seconds ever. 

Blame Dan and Jim, they said we haven’t done this in awhile and they liked Tabata intervals.

Mo and Amanda

Max Push and Pull


Don’t forget Saturday’s 10am class will have Rowing coaching by Lucy and Rob! Come learn how to row, row, row your boat from our former competitive rowers!

"Last Ascent"

Strength focus: 

Deadlift 3×3
(After warming up perform 3 sets of 3 reps each progressively increasing each set to find your 3 rep max)

Then complete the following WOD:

5-10-15 reps of each exercise for time:
Deadlift (225#/135#)
Box Jumps (24″/20″)


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Lucy and Bridget DL

Who’s in for the Paleo Challenge? Make sure you are signed up and weighed in.

Max Effort Day and Food for Thought

Big day today. Max Effort Day and our Nutrition Chat!

Max Effort Day:

Row 500m Max Effort
Run 400m Max Effort
Pull-ups Max Reps (1 Min.)
Front Squats (95#/65#) Max Reps (1 Min.)
Double-Unders Max Reps (1 Min.)
Push-ups Max Reps (1 Min.)
*Rest 1 Min. between max effort exercises

Then perform:
Max Height Box Jump (Scale up to hit max height)

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Amanda and Bonnie Maximum Elevation

The max effort WOD served as a measuring stick for many of you who have moved to full push-ups or banded pull-ups or from singles to doubles with the rope. Front squat form and wrist / elbow flexibility as well as rowing is getting better and the box jump challenge was fun to watch as it built teamwork and confidence and explosive power.

Afterwards we hopefully were able to share some useful info about the Paleolithic Diet and how and why it can be beneficial to you in both your training and general health. Nutrition is a loaded topic and there are many theories out there on what is good and what isn’t. (For some good articles and background on many of the topics we talked about check out LivingPaleo.com) We believe in the benefits of the Paleo diet simply because it not only makes sense and worked incredibly well for us, but it has worked for so many others as well. Try it if you like, or look into the Zone. If you are going to try it then jump into our Paleo Challenge which will officially start on Monday with your weigh in, before picture, and buy-in. The worst thing that can happen from trying it is you eat healthier and cut some of the crap. 

Either way remember that you truly are what you eat.

10 Tips When Eating Paleo:


Gluttons for Punishment

21-15-9 reps of the following for time:

Dumbbell Push Jerks (40#/25#)


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Push and Pull

You came back! For those who survived the Filthy Fifty and came in today this was a short intense push-pull WOD that worked on upper body strength while forcing push-jerks. Pat, Jeremy and Nan all decided to just get “Filthy” and go for it since they missed the chance yesterday. 


Nutrition “chat” Saturday at 11am (after the 10am WOD). Bring your logs of what you have been eating. The Saturday workout will be fun and focused on setting some of your own PR’s in several “events”. Call it “Max Effort Day”. 

Have rope will climb. Tiffany was up for it. Literally!

Tiffany CLimbs Tiffany Rope Climb

"Filthy Fifty"

For Time:

50 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
50 Jumping Pull-ups
50 Kettlebell Swings  (35#/26#)
50 Walking Lunges
50 Knees to Elbows
50 Push Press  (45#/33#)
50 Back Extensions
50 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
50 Burpees
50 Double-Unders

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Moe K2E Solveig_Filthy 50

Dan and Jim sum up how everyone felt after:

Feeling Filthy

This benchmark workout is a grinder. The classic chipper that seems light or easy at first glance. Jumping pull-ups? Check. Light barbell? Check. Light kettlebell? Check. Only one time for each exercise? Check. 

Well this one humbles you. It makes your body scream “STOP”. Like all WOD’s it makes you realize that there are even more aspects of your fitness you need to work on. It makes you want to turn around and head to your car when you read the whiteboard, as Moe and Marc joked about in the evening class. That is a good thing. There is much benefit to fearing the workout, to wondering if you can do it either scaled or RX’d. It means you have a challenge. That you are going to face a test for yourself. That it may sting a little. I certainly felt the sting of my calves cramping as I hit the double-unders and thought “not now, please” just wanting to finish. My legs were on fire, as was the rest of my body and my lungs. I pushed through and collapsed. Mission accomplished.

When Men’s Fitness and Muscle and Fitness decided to cover CrossFit, this is the workout both magazines were exposed to. Click here for the humorous account of one Men’s Fitness writers journey to tackling the Filthy Fifty and becoming CrossFit. To see the short video from Muscle and Fitness, click here.

Pictures of the WOD. Sorry I didn’t get the evening class.


Don't Just Stand There Thrust a Move…

Strength WOD:


5 sets attempting a 3 rep max load. Rest as needed between sets. 

Then follow with 10 minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) of:

3 Thruster (95#/65#)
5 AbMat Sit-up
10 Double-Unders


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Good day watching you people get stronger!


Scalability: The beauty of CrossFit lies in not only its results or its intensity, but also that it can be scaled in several domains. Not only can you scale weight, limit the range of motion, or scale the amount of resistance or “help” provided, you can also scale by substituting exercises. When you have an “owie” like Curtis and Jim do (not from the gym), subbing in alternate exercises can provide an effective workout and meet the desired outcome of the workout programming.

Jim Push Presses and Curtis High Bar Back Squats:

Jim Push Press 200# Curtis_Back Squat

Quote of the day: Michelle ~ “Hey guys, anyone need balls?”

Don’t forget! Make sure you are logging your meals and drinks from now until Saturday and bring it with you!

Snatch and Grab

For Time:

Alternate the following exercises 10, 9, 8, 7, 6… down to 1 and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5… up to 10 of:

Hang Power Snatch (75#/55#)
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75#/55#)

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Jorge and Zach Hang Pwr Snatch


Nutrition class is this Saturday after the 10am WOD. We will be reviewing basics about Paleo and Zone nutrition, the roles it plays in your performance and progress, how to shop for food, when to eat, what to eat, and other resources for practically incorporating dietary change that lasts. This won’t be a how to on counting calories, playing cards or adding points. We also will be kicking off our Paleo Challenge for those interested. 

Your homework: Starting Wednesday write down everything you eat and drink at each meal and snack on from now through Saturday. Bring it with you!

We are ordering shirts on Friday with our new design. If you want one there’s a sign up sheet on the whiteboard or post to comments what size you want (Men’s/Women’s/Kids). These will be American Apparel Track T’s which are lightweight and geared for your WOD. Women’s are fitted but not as snug as a Bella shirt. Color is a grey shirt with black and white graphics.

Squatchswingmockup copy