CrossFit Games Open 19.4

CrossFit Games Open 19.4

For total time:
3 rounds of:
10 Snatches (95#/65#)
12 Bar Facing Burpees

Rest 3 mins
3 rounds of:
10 Bar Muscle-ups
12 Bar Facing Burpees
Time cap: 12 mins (including 3 min rest period)
* Snatch (power or squat) only. Burpees can step back or up but must jump over bar with 2 feet. Must be perpendicular to bar and chest to floor. If you complete first 3 rds note tie break time.

CrossFit Games Open 19.4 – Scaled

For total time:
3 rounds of:
10 Snatches (65#/45#)
12 Bar Facing Burpees*

Rest 3 mins
3 rounds of:
10 Pull-ups
12 Bar Facing Burpees*
Time cap: 12 mins (including 3 min rest period)
*Athletes may step over the bar


19.4 Photos by @robcwilson

Results Open Registered Athletes