Strict Pull-ups 5×5 & 4 RFQ: Alternating Turkish Get-ups, DB Bent Over Rows, DB Front Rack Holds and Sit-ups

Strict Pull-ups 5×5

Strict Pull-ups 5×5

Rest as needed between sets.

4 RFQ: Alternating Turkish Get-ups, DB Bent Over Rows, DB Front Rack Holds and Sit-ups

4 rounds for quality of:
4 Alternating Turkish Get-ups, pick load
10 Two Hand Dumbbell Bent Over Rows, pick load
Double Dumbbell Front Rack Hold, 1 min
30 AbMat Sit-ups
* Not for time.

Photo by @robcwilson @snoridgecrossfit

Different focus today with Turkish Get-ups and not a timed WOD.  This workout hits everything while learning a new movement that works the shoulders, back, core, legs as well as balance and coordination. Demo below.

The Turkish Get-Up
