Team WOD: Rows, Burpee Pull-ups, Ball Slams & Chipper: 200 m, Hollow Rocks, AbMat Sit-ups, 6 and more

Team WOD: Rows, Burpee Pull-ups, Ball Slams

Teams of 3 people, one person at a time. For total time.
3000m row (everyone shares the same rower)
Then –
100 burpee pull ups (same pull up bar per team)
100 ball slams (Advanced: 30lbs, Intermediate*: 20lbs, Novice: 20lb medball power clean and jerk)
*Women’s Rx
Super advanced: 2 people per team, same amount of work.
Teams of 2 or 3

Chipper: 200 m, Hollow Rocks, AbMat Sit-ups, 6 and more

For time:
Run, 200 m
21 Hollow Rocks
21 AbMat Sit-ups
Run, 100 m
15 Hollow Rocks
15 AbMat Sit-ups
Run, 50 m
9 Hollow Rocks
9 AbMat Sit-ups