Team WOD: Squat Clean: 6 min. to find a 1RM & Team Karen

Team WOD: Squat Clean: 6 min. to find a 1RM

Record your best Squat Clean 1 rep max lift.
* As a team of 2 start with empty bar and find a 1RM squat clean. Share one bar and alternate lifts.

Team Karen

In teams of 2 complete for time:
300 Wall Balls (20#/14# at 10 ft./9ft.)

* One medicine ball per team. Break up the reps to total 300.  One works/rests.
** Foul: If the Med Ball touches the ground team incurs a 5 burpee penalty during the WOD for each drop (stop and perform 5 burpees each).
Post total time.

Photo by @robcwilson
CLOSED this Monday Labor Day 9/3 

  • All classes cancelled Monday
  • Tuesday 9/4 will be regular hours

Dubai CrossFit Championship, First Sanctioned Event
Glassman: Dave is “the Director of the Games. Nothing’s changed.”
