"Death By" – Burpees : 1 rep + 1 rep / 1 min Death By Burpee

“Death By” – Burpees : 1 rep + 1 rep / 1 min Death By Burpee

Death By Burpee

With a continuously running clock perform:
1 Burpee in the first 1 min
2 Burpees in the second 1 min
3 Burpees in the third 1 min

Continuing this for as long as you are able.
* Use a stopwatch or the timer on your phone. No mats needed!

Photo by @robcwilson

COVID shutdown Day 2:

Do this WOD from home!

Exercise Demo: The Burpee

Equipment checkout update:

Here’s the equipment plan! We are going to allow members to “checkout” either one Kettlebell or one Dumbbell as well as one jump rope and one abMat. We are not checking out any other equipment at this time. We will have one pickup slot tomorrow Wednesday from 5-6pm only.  If you already have workout equipment please leverage that so we can take care of more people.

Please read the below rules and follow them!

*We are following the WA state and King County guidelines for no more than 10 people gathering and also enforcing social distancing.

Date and Time: Wednesday 3/18 from 5pm-6pm ONLY


  • Rule #1: If you, your family member, co-worker, or anyone you have come in contact with is sick or has been tested for COVID-19 then we are not going to let you sign out equipment. Please stay home to protect others!
  • We will only allow one person at a time into the gym to sign out the equipment.  No one else (coaches too) is allowed in during this window.
  • We will allow one at a time to come in and choose the piece of equipment (one Kettlebell or one Dumbbell, one abMat and one jump rope if needed)
  • Michelle will bring the piece of equipment to you while you complete the sign out sheet with me at the front counter
  • You will then have to leave so the next person can come in
  • Social distancing is in effect (6 ft. apart), please wait in your car if possible
  • We have cleaned all equipment already and will have thoroughly washed our hands to hand it to you
  • You will use a “clean pen” to sign the sign out sheet and put it into the “COVID bucket” so I can clean them later
  • If you need a jump rope then you will be given a pair of disposable gloves to put on and then can size a rope to your height (gloves are to prevent touching all the ropes)
  • If you have your own rope or other items in the gym you may then go get it

When we are allowed to reopen we will publish the “Turn-in” time in which you agree to bring the equipment back. We will want all equipment back prior to reopening if possible. You MUST clean it thoroughly before bringing it back into the gym.

Any damaged, lost, or broken equipment will be billed to you via your normal SRCF billing method for replacement cost. Please take good care of it and don’t drop KB’s or DB’s just like in the gym.  Try not to jump rope in your driveway, sidewalk or street.  Use your garage or a mat if you have one.

We hope this allows people to have a piece of equipment so we can do swings, ground to overhead, or other similar movements in addition to bodyweight exercises.

I can’t believe we have reached the Zombie Coron-Apocalypse and have to do it this way but we need to do the right thing.

Stay healthy and stay safe!

HQ on Coronavirus: “Profound Uncertainty About The Future”