Front Squat: 1RM & AMRAP 15 mins w/ Buy-in: Row then Handstand Push-ups, Front Squats and Double Unders

Front Squat: 1RM

Record your best Front Squat 1 Rep Max lift.

AMRAP 15 mins w/ Buy-in: Row then Handstand Push-ups, Front Squats and Double Unders

In 15 mins do:
Row 1000m
then in the remaining time, AMRAP of:
7 Handstand Push-ups
7 Front Squats (135#/95#)
30 Double Unders

Photo by @robcwilson

This marks the completion of our latest Front Squat series (10/7/5/3/2/1RM).  Look for the same rep scheme for a different lift starting next week. This week we will continue with the Bench Press/Bent Over Row series.
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