Skill Work: Rope Climb and Pull-up Practice & Moore

Skill Work: Rope Climb and Pull-up Practice

Approx. 10 minutes for Rope Climb or Pull-up practice:

Choose rope climb foot lock, supine rope climb or strict, kipping, chest to bar pull-ups or ring row, supine ring row.


Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
1 Rope Climb (15 ft)
Run 400m
max rep Handstand Push-ups
* Scale HSPU to Box or Floor Pike. Each time you break HSPU you must complete 1 rope climb and 400m run.

Officer David S. Moore, 29, of the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, died on Jan. 26, 2011 from gunshot wounds suffered on Jan. 23 when he stopped a stolen vehicle and the driver opened fire at him. ~