Team WOD: Dumbbell Snatches, Sprints, Burpees

SnoRidge CrossFit_Team Debbie_DIaneTeam WOD: Dumbbell Snatches, Sprints, Burpees

Partner up and alternate so each person completes:

8 rounds (each partner) for time of:
10 Dumbbell or (Kettlebell) Snatches (45#/30#)
100m Sprint
* You must complete 5 burpees each round while your partner completes their round.
** Burpees can be completed any point during the time your partner is completing their round but if they return and you have not done them you cannot begin your snatches until they are done.
Post total time.


Photo by @robcwilson

Tomorrow we will start our Teens class.  There is plenty of room still to sign up. Registration covers three weeks so if they can’t make a certain week due to vacation or other camps their registration will continue into the next session (or we can prorate).  We will be taking registrations at any time so no need to wait until August. Any questions let us know!

SRCF Tweens and Teens Class:
Here are the details for our new CrossFit Tweens and Teens Class that will begin this Monday 7/18 at 3pm!

  • Ages: 10-15 only
  • Each “Session” will be 3 weeks until August 25th which will then pause for “back to school”.  During the fall/winter and spring there will be another session(s).
  • 3 afternoon classes per week Mon/Wed/Thurs
  • Time: 3pm to 4pm
  • Led by Coach Jessika (who is also the Twin Falls Middle School Health and Physical Education Teacher)
  • Cost: $140 for each 3 week session (we can prorate to accommodate vacation schedules)
  • Class size: Limited to 14 Teens
  • Go here to Register 
    • Select “Services” then “CrossFit Kids” and add to cart
    • Please add your child under your MindBody Info (Select “Profile” and “Family Members” tab)

Classes will feature a warm-up, skill or lift focus (example: proper running / rowing technique, jump rope, range of bodyweight movements, press, deadlift, squat, power clean and power snatch, etc.), then a CrossFit workout scaled appropriately, as well as a game or activity cool down. Classes will run approximately 50 minutes long. They will learn proper form and weight will be allowed as form and technique dictates (at the discretion of the coach). Most importantly it will be fun!

  • During the Teens class time the gym floor is NOT OPEN for anyone at all to work on skills, supplementary WOD’s, cardio work etc.
  • You may NOT go out into the gym to do mobility or stretch and watch the class. This is a major distraction for Coach Jessika and the kids and will only stall class or possibly cause someone to feel pressure.
  • Parents may wait in the lobby or can use the upstairs during the class to do mobility.
  • Children under the age of 10 are NOT allowed out into the gym floor and also must stay in the Cave (not in the lobby or upstairs). Parents need to enforce the rules of children in the kids area i.e. Squatch Cave.


The 2016 CF Games begin NEXT week.

  • We will only have one class impacted. The Monday 6am class on 7/25 is cancelled.
  • ALL other classes are covered and will run on the normal schedule!
  • Huge thanks to all of the coaches who are able to cover so many classes for that time.

Road to the Games 16.09: The Dottirs
