Push Press 3-3-3-3-3 & AMReps 9 mins: Power Cleans and Box Jump Overs + 2

Push Press 3-3-3-3-3

Push Press 3-3-3-3-3

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Rest as needed between sets.

AMReps 9 mins: Power Cleans and Box Jump Overs + 2

As many reps as possible in 9 mins of:
2 Power Cleans (135#/95#)
2 Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
4 Power Cleans
4 Box Jump Overs
6 Power Cleans
6 Box Jump Overs
8 Power Cleans
8 Box Jump Overs
10 Power Cleans
10 Box Jump Overs
12 Power Cleans
12 Box Jump Overs
14 Power Cleans
14 Box Jump Overs
16 Power Cleans
16 Box Jump Overs


Happy 30th birthday Shay!

Photo by @robcwilson

Team SnoRidge CrossFit Open Count: 25


Results cont

Team WOD: Hang Power Clean & Push Jerk : 1RM & Team DT

Team WOD: Hang Power Clean & Push Jerk : 1RM

Record your best Hang Power Clean & Push Jerk 1 rep max lift.
8 Min. Share a barbell. Start with empty bar and alternate lifts.

Team “DT”

10 rounds for time of:
12 Deadlifts (155#/105#)
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Jerks

Athlete A will do the deadlifts, athlete B will do the hang power cleans, and athlete A will do the push jerk. The next round will start with athlete B starting with the deadlifts and go like then round before but, filip-flopped.

Photo by @robcwilson

February OnRamp starts this Tuesday and there is still some room! If you know someone interested tell them to contact us for more details on signing up.

Our February OnRamp Schedule:
Tuesday 1/31 at 7:00 pm
Thursday 2/2 at 7:00 pm
Saturday 2/4 at 8:30 am
Tuesday 2/7 at 7:00 pm
Thursday 2/9 at 7:00 pm
Saturday 2/11 at 8:30 am
* Each OnRamp session will run approximately 1hr to 1 hr 15 min.


Advanced RX: Rowing DT & Checkout: FT: Unbroken Double Unders and Wall Balls

Advanced RX Class:

Rowing “DT

5 rounds for time of:
15 Row (Cal)
12 Deadlifts (155#/105#)
9 Hang Power Cleans (155#/105#)
6 Push Jerks (155#/105#)

Checkout: FT: Unbroken Double Unders and Wall Balls

For time:
50 Double Unders (Unbroken)
25 Unbroken Wall Balls (20#/14#)
Rest 30 secs
40 Double Unders (Unbroken)
20 Unbroken Wall Balls (20#/14#)
Rest 30 secs
30 Double Unders (Unbroken)
15 Unbroken Wall Balls (20#/14#)
Rest 30 secs
20 Double Unders (Unbroken)
10 Unbroken Wall Balls (20#/14#)
Rest 30 secs


Photo by @robcwilson

February OnRamp starts this Tuesday and there is still some room! If you know someone interested tell them to contact us for more details on signing up.

Our February OnRamp Schedule:
Tuesday 1/31 at 7:00 pm
Thursday 2/2 at 7:00 pm
Saturday 2/4 at 8:30 am
Tuesday 2/7 at 7:00 pm
Thursday 2/9 at 7:00 pm
Saturday 2/11 at 8:30 am
* Each OnRamp session will run approximately 1hr to 1 hr 15 min.
CrossFit Games Open Schedule:
The Open is coming!
17.1: Feb. 23 – 27
17.2: March 2 – 6
17.3: March 9 – 13
17.4: March 16 – 20
17.5: March 23 – 27
The Open is the first stage of the CrossFit Games season and the largest community event of the year. Every year, hundreds of thousands of athletes come together to compete in the worldwide, online competition. The Open feeds the Regional Qualifiers and then the Games.
Anyone aged 14 or older can compete in the Open. All you have to do is sign up at Games.CrossFit.com and log your score each week. Workouts are released on Thursdays at 5 p.m. PT (join us each week in the lobby to watch the announcement as it streams live), and we will program the workout for the week every Friday for everyone to complete in class and submit their score online. Scores are due before 5 p.m. PT the following Monday. Each week you will complete the workout with a judge in your Friday class, then swap and judge them, ensuring proper range of motion is met and good reps are counted.
Need to scale? No problem, the Open has a scaled option in addition to the prescribed workout. The scaled version will be programmed as well each Friday. Anyone registered for the Open that is unable to make it to class on a Friday to complete that week’s Open event must contact us in advanced to arrange a makeup and a judge. Make-ups will be Monday during AM classes (scores are due at 5pm).
Depending on the logistics required for each Open workout we will announce if we are doing class sign-ups on Friday’s. All registered athletes need a judge so that means you will help judge when you aren’t doing the WOD in your class. If you aren’t registered you don’t require a judge but you can help out by being a judge.
If you are going to attend Friday classes then you will be completing the Open WOD so you might as well register!
How to Register:
Follow these steps to Register for the 2017 Open to ensure you join our Team! If you don’t do all of these you won’t show up as a member of Team SnoRidge CrossFit and you will not see your scores once validated vs. the gym.
1) Go to games.crossfit.com and Click “Register”
2) Sign In or create a profile
3) Under “where do you workout?” enter “SnoRidge CrossFit” for your affiliate
4) Agree to all terms, then enter billing info
5) Register
6) On the Congratulations for Registering page, click “Fill In Your Profile” then “Update” (even if you changed no info)
7) You will see “Join a Team”, click ext and enter or select “SnoRidge CrossFit”
8) Update

Your competition page should then show Affiliate AND Team as SnoRidge CrossFit for BOTH. You must see BOTH to be on the team.


Squat Clean 1-1-1-1-1 & AMRAP 9 mins w/ Buy-in: Rows and Squat Cleans

Squat Clean 1-1-1-1-1

Squat Clean 1-1-1-1-1

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Rest as needed between sets.

AMRAP 9 mins w/ Buy-in: Rows and Squat Cleans

In 9 mins do:
Row 1000m
then in the remaining time, AMRAP of:
Squat Clean (185#/135#)


Rowing Twins Photo by @robcwilson

Team SnoRidge CrossFit Open Count: 23


Results cont

Back Squat 4-4-4-4 & Chipper: AbMat Sit-ups, Wall Balls, KB Swings, Push-ups, SDHP, and Lateral Burpees

Back Squat 4-4-4-4

Back Squat 4-4-4-4

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Rest as needed between sets.

SnoRidge CrossFIt_RestChipper: AbMat Sit-ups, Wall Balls, KB Swings, Push-ups, SDHP, and Lateral Burpees

For time:
60 AbMat Sit-ups
50 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
40 Kettlebell Swings (53#/35#)
30 Hand Release Push-Ups
20 Sumo Deadlift High-pulls (95#65#)
10 Lateral Burpee (Over Barbell)

Lifting: 1 Hang Squat Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch & AMRAP 14 mins: Bar Muscle-ups, Handstand Push-ups and Power Snatches

SnoRidge CrossFit_SnatchLifting: 1 Hang Squat Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch

Hang Squat Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1, using heaviest weight per set
Squat Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1, using heaviest weight per set
Perform as a complex of 1 Hang Snatch + 1 Snatch

AMRAP 14 mins: Bar Muscle-ups, Handstand Push-ups and Power Snatches

SnoRidge CrossFit_Box HSPUComplete as many rounds as possible in 14 mins of:
3 Bar Muscle-ups
6 Handstand Push-ups
9 Power Snatches (95#/65#)


Photo by @robcwilson

Team SnoRidge CrossFit Open Count: 23

The team is slowly growing.  Let’s keep it going!


Results cont

Alt EMOM 10 mins: Power Cleans and Toes-to-bars & FT: Burpees, Clean & Jerks, and Runs

SnoRidge CrossFit_T2BAlt EMOM 10 mins: Power Cleans and Toes-to-bars

Every 1 min for 10 mins, alternating between:
2 Power Cleans, pick load
10 Toes-to-bars

FT: Burpees, Clean & Jerks, and Runs

For time:
15 Burpees
10 Clean & Jerks (135#/95#)
Run 400m
10 Clean & Jerks
Run 400m
10 Clean & Jerks
15 Burpees


Photo by @robcwilson

Team SnoRidge CrossFit Open Count: 22

How Do I Register For The Open?


Results cont

Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5 & AMRAP 7 mins: Double Unders and Thrusters

SnoRidge CrossFit_Coach MBench Press 5-5-5-5-5

Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Rest as needed between sets.

AMRAP 7 mins: Double Unders and Thrusters

Complete as many rounds as possible in 7 mins of:
30 Double Unders
15 Thrusters (75#/55#)


SnoRidge CrossFit_Bday WishesPhotos by @robcwilson

Happy birthday to my favorite Assistant TO the Head Coach, HR Director, Programming Inspector, Director of Customer Relations, Chief Workout Explainer, and Partner in Crime ~ Coach Michelle! #iusedastupidpicture #mstillneedsinstagram #forever29

Team SnoRidge CrossFit Open Count: 22

How to Compete in the Open

The Butterfly Pull-Up


Results cont