EMOM for 8 mins: Squat Cleans and Front Squats & AMRAP 15 mins: Back Squats, Handstand Push Ups, Knees To Elbows and Muscle Ups

EMOM for 8 mins: Squat Cleans and Front Squats

Every 1 min for 8 mins do:
1 Squat Clean, pick load
3 Front Squats

SnoRidge CF_Back SquatsAMRAP 15 mins: Back Squats, Handstand Push Ups, Knees To Elbows and Muscle Ups

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 mins of:
10 Back Squats (135#/95#)
5 Handstand Push Ups
10 Knees To Elbows
5 Muscle Ups


Photo by @robcwilson

Start signing up for the Open! When you do make sure you register for the Open and choose our gym to be part of the SRCF team.

Registration for the 2016 Reebok CrossFit Games Open is now live!


Results cont

SRCF "Stop the Slop" WOD Performance Challenge 4.0

SRCF “Stop the Slop WOD” Performance Challenge 4.0

3 rounds for time of:
Run 200m
30 Air Squats
20 Push-up (hand release)
10 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
5 Thrusters (135#/95#)

Movement standards:
1. HR Push-up: Must keep toes on the ground and return to a plank each rep. Thighs must leave the ground. No “worm” or “rocking” allowed.
2. Chest to Bar Pull-up: Full arm extension, chest touches bar
3. Air Squat: Hip crease below top of knee, open hips at top
4. Thruster: Clean from ground, must pass below parallel and lockout overhead with open hips before lowering barbell


SnoRidge CF_Stop the Slop

Photo by @robcwilson

Today was our 4th “Stop the Slop” Performance WOD Challenge. We will re-test this WOD in 30 days and for those who entered the challenge we will measure the % improvement in times and the winner will get a portion of the prize money (the winner of the Nutrition Challenge will also share in the prize money). For the next month the focus of “Stop the Slop” is not only to eat right, but also to clean up technique and form. Use this time to work on becoming more efficient in movements, transitions, rest, and recovery.

This year I changed the programming again to allow for a workout that is still similar to “Baseline” and past Stop the Slop WOD’s but mixes it up with a heavy Thruster. Removing the abMat sit-ups this year meant less reps overall with a slower “rest” movement while keeping you moving quickly on the shorter runs. Hand Release Push-ups and Chest-to-bar returned while making this 3 rounds over a straight chipper made this challenging. If you need to “buy-in” then see your coach to sign up and fork over your cash.

Make-ups are only tomorrow for anyone who missed it today and wants to buy into the Performance Challenge.

Looking forward to seeing the improvement in a month!


Results cont

Power Snatch 1-1-1 & 5 RFT: Power Snatches and Burpees & AMReps 2 mins: Toes-to-bars

SnoRidge CF_Power SnatchPower Snatch 1-1-1

Power Snatch 1-1-1

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Rest as needed between sets.

5 RFT: Power Snatches and Burpees

5 rounds for time of:
5 Power Snatches (115#/75#)
10 Burpees

AMReps 2 mins: Toes-to-bars

As many reps as possible in 2 mins of:


Photo by @robcwilson


Tomorrow will be our 4th annual “Stop the Slop Challenge” begins Wednesday 1/13!

For the WOD on Wednesday plan on partnering up to judge/count then trading places. This is to ensure that movements and reps are good for both the test and re-test next month.

Weigh-in’s and buy-in tomorrow!

What is it?

“Stop the Slop” is both a 30 day Nutrition Challenge and a 30 Day Performance Challenge.  For the next month the focus of “Stop the Slop” is not only to eat right, but also to clean up technique and form. Use this time to work on becoming more efficient in movements, transitions, and rest. Get more consistent at coming into the gym, recovering correctly, sleeping better and improving mobility. As the month moves on and your nutrition and performance improve, increase the intensity and see what results you get after the month is over.

You can choose to buy-in to either challenge ($25 per challenge). You do not have to do both. This will go into a pool to be paid out to each challenge winner. You can only win the challenge you buy into. Winners are based on % of weight loss for the 30 days and % improvement of time for the WOD.  After 30 days we will re-test the WOD and conduct final weigh-in’s for both challenges.

* Weigh-in’s for the nutrition challenge and buy-in ($25) are due Wednesday, as well as buy-in ($25) for the Performance WOD. If you can’t make it in then weigh-in/buy-in and make up the WOD by end of day Thursday 1/14 (this is the only make-up day).
When: Official start and weigh-in begins Wed. 1/13 and Challenge ends with a re-test on Thursday 2/11.
We will follow last year’s challenges and rules. You get to choose which ones you participate in.

  • Date: Runs from Wed. 1/13 – Thurs. 2/11
  • Buy-In: $25 per challenge (you can choose which challenge you want to participate in; 1, 2 or both)
    • You could participate in the Performance Challenge and not the Nutrition Challenge. Or vice versa.
  • Nutrition Challenge Weigh-in: In the gym beginning and end of challenge required for Nutrition Challenge only; no weigh-in during. (Stay away from the scale until it’s over)
    • Whole30: If you don’t have one then ask us for a Whole9/SRCF Nutrition Guide and Whole30 Program handout (Comprehensive nutrition guide with practical info on how to implement, shop, prepare, and maintain a Paleo diet as well as a “how to” Whole 30 manual)
    • Cleanse: If you are intending to complete an Advocare 10 Day Cleanse or 10 Day Purium Cleanse then see Michelle to get set up
  • Performance Challenge WOD: You will be paired up with another athlete to serve as your “judge/counter” to ensure everyone gets the most out of their “sweat equity”. We will run two waves each class so you can take turns judging/counting one another.
    • There will be a new change to the WOD along with a different barbell movement this year.
  • One winner in each category: 1) Nutrition Challenge, 2) Performance Challenge
    • Nutrition Winner will be the person with highest % weight loss overall
    • Performance Winner will be the person with the highest % time improved overall on the Performance WOD (scaling will remain the same for test/re-test unless the athlete chooses to move from scaled to RX – this would be your “gamble”)
  • Prizes for the winners will be determined based on how many enter.


Results cont

Overhead Squat 2-2-2-2-2 & Chipper: Double Unders, Deadlifts, Box Jumps, Ring Dips, Hang PC, and OH Squats

SnoRidge CF_OHS by RubyOverhead Squat 2-2-2-2-2

Overhead Squat 2-2-2-2-2

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Rest as needed between sets.

Chipper: Double Unders, Deadlifts, Box Jumps, Ring Dips, Hang PC, and OH Squats

For time:
100 Double Unders
50 Deadlifts (155#/115#)
40 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
30 Ring Dips
20 Hang Power Cleans (155#/115#)
10 Overhead Squats (155#/115#)


Photo by @robcwilson


Our 4th annual “Stop the Slop Challenge” begins Wednesday 1/13!

What is it? “Stop the Slop” is both a 30 day Nutrition Challenge and a 30 Day Performance Challenge.  For the next month the focus of “Stop the Slop” is not only to eat right, but also to clean up technique and form. Use this time to work on becoming more efficient in movements, transitions, and rest. Get more consistent at coming into the gym, recovering correctly, sleeping better and improving mobility. As the month moves on and your nutrition and performance improve, increase the intensity and see what results you get after the month is over.

You can choose to buy-in to either challenge ($25 per challenge). You do not have to do both. This will go into a pool to be paid out to each challenge winner. You can only win the challenge you buy into. Winners are based on % of weight loss for the 30 days and % improvement of time for the WOD.  After 30 days we will re-test the WOD and conduct final weigh-in’s for both challenges.

* Weigh-in’s for the nutrition challenge and buy-in ($25) are due Wednesday, as well as buy-in ($25) for the Performance WOD. If you can’t make it in then weigh-in/buy-in and make up the WOD by end of day Thursday 1/14 (this is the only make-up day).
When: Official start and weigh-in begins Wed. 1/13 and Challenge ends with a re-test on Thursday 2/11.
We will follow last year’s challenges and rules. You get to choose which ones you participate in.

  • Date: Runs from Wed. 1/13 – Thurs. 2/11
  • Buy-In: $25 per challenge (you can choose which challenge you want to participate in; 1, 2 or both)
    • You could participate in the Performance Challenge and not the Nutrition Challenge. Or vice versa.
  • Nutrition Challenge Weigh-in: In the gym beginning and end of challenge required for Nutrition Challenge only; no weigh-in during. (Stay away from the scale until it’s over)
    • Whole30: If you don’t have one then ask us for a Whole9/SRCF Nutrition Guide and Whole30 Program handout (Comprehensive nutrition guide with practical info on how to implement, shop, prepare, and maintain a Paleo diet as well as a “how to” Whole 30 manual)
    • Cleanse: If you are intending to complete an Advocare 10 Day Cleanse or 10 Day Purium Cleanse then see Michelle to get set up
  • Performance Challenge WOD: You will be paired up with another athlete to serve as your “judge/counter” to ensure everyone gets the most out of their “sweat equity”. We will run two waves each class so you can take turns judging/counting one another.
    • There will be a new change to the WOD along with a different barbell movement this year.
  • One winner in each category: 1) Nutrition Challenge, 2) Performance Challenge
    • Nutrition Winner will be the person with highest % weight loss overall
    • Performance Winner will be the person with the highest % time improved overall on the Performance WOD (scaling will remain the same for test/re-test unless the athlete chooses to move from scaled to RX – this would be your “gamble”)
  • Prizes for the winners will be determined based on how many enter.

Rethinking Weight Loss and the Reasons We’re ‘Always Hungry’,” The New York Times.


Results cont

Team WOD: Fight Gone Bad "Task Priority"

SnoRidge CF_Box JumpTeam WOD: Fight Gone Bad “Task Priority”

For Time:
100 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
100 Sumo Deadlift High-pulls (75#/55#)
100 Box Jump
100 Push Presses (75#/55#)
100 Rows

Post total time.
*Team of 2, share ball, bar, rower and box. Alternate work with your partner and split reps as a team.


Photo by @robcwilson


Our 4th annual “Stop the Slop Challenge” begins Wednesday 1/13!

What is it? “Stop the Slop” is both a 30 day Nutrition Challenge and a 30 Day Performance Challenge.  For the next month the focus of “Stop the Slop” is not only to eat right, but also to clean up technique and form. Use this time to work on becoming more efficient in movements, transitions, and rest. Get more consistent at coming into the gym, recovering correctly, sleeping better and improving mobility. As the month moves on and your nutrition and performance improve, increase the intensity and see what results you get after the month is over.

You can choose to buy-in to either challenge ($25 per challenge). You do not have to do both. This will go into a pool to be paid out to each challenge winner. You can only win the challenge you buy into. Winners are based on % of weight loss for the 30 days and % improvement of time for the WOD.  After 30 days we will re-test the WOD and conduct final weigh-in’s for both challenges.

* Weigh-in’s for the nutrition challenge and buy-in ($25) are due Wednesday, as well as buy-in ($25) for the Performance WOD. If you can’t make it in then weigh-in/buy-in and make up the WOD by end of day Thursday 1/14 (this is the only make-up day).
When: Official start and weigh-in begins Wed. 1/13 and Challenge ends with a re-test on Thursday 2/11.
We will follow last year’s challenges and rules. You get to choose which ones you participate in.

  • Date: Runs from Wed. 1/13 – Thurs. 2/11
  • Buy-In: $25 per challenge (you can choose which challenge you want to participate in; 1, 2 or both)
    • You could participate in the Performance Challenge and not the Nutrition Challenge. Or vice versa.
  • Nutrition Challenge Weigh-in: In the gym beginning and end of challenge required for Nutrition Challenge only; no weigh-in during. (Stay away from the scale until it’s over)
    • Whole30: If you don’t have one then ask us for a Whole9/SRCF Nutrition Guide and Whole30 Program handout (Comprehensive nutrition guide with practical info on how to implement, shop, prepare, and maintain a Paleo diet as well as a “how to” Whole 30 manual)
    • Cleanse: If you are intending to complete an Advocare 10 Day Cleanse or 10 Day Purium Cleanse then see Michelle to get set up
  • Performance Challenge WOD: You will be paired up with another athlete to serve as your “judge/counter” to ensure everyone gets the most out of their “sweat equity”. We will run two waves each class so you can take turns judging/counting one another.
    • There will be a new change to the WOD along with a different barbell movement this year.
  • One winner in each category: 1) Nutrition Challenge, 2) Performance Challenge
    • Nutrition Winner will be the person with highest % weight loss overall
    • Performance Winner will be the person with the highest % time improved overall on the Performance WOD (scaling will remain the same for test/re-test unless the athlete chooses to move from scaled to RX – this would be your “gamble”)
  • Prizes for the winners will be determined based on how many enter.


Advanced RX: Clean & Jerk 1-1-1 & AMReps 8 mins: Muscle Ups and Clean & Jerks

Advanced RX Class:

Clean & Jerk 1-1-1

Clean & Jerk 1-1-1

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.

Alternating Tabata: Muscle Ups and Clean & Jerks

As many reps in 8 mins as you can of:
Muscle Up 20 secs
Rest 10 secs
Clean & Jerk (135#/95#) 20 secs
Rest 10 secs

Wall Balls : Max Set

A single set of Wall Balls for max reps.
*Rest 5 minutes after main WOD.


Photo by @robcwilson


SnoRidge CF_Grip


Our 4th annual “Stop the Slop Challenge” begins Wednesday 1/13!

What is it? “Stop the Slop” is both a 30 day Nutrition Challenge and a 30 Day Performance Challenge.  For the next month the focus of “Stop the Slop” is not only to eat right, but also to clean up technique and form. Use this time to work on becoming more efficient in movements, transitions, and rest. Get more consistent at coming into the gym, recovering correctly, sleeping better and improving mobility. As the month moves on and your nutrition and performance improve, increase the intensity and see what results you get after the month is over.

You can choose to buy-in to either challenge ($25 per challenge). You do not have to do both. This will go into a pool to be paid out to each challenge winner. You can only win the challenge you buy into. Winners are based on % of weight loss for the 30 days and % improvement of time for the WOD.  After 30 days we will re-test the WOD and conduct final weigh-in’s for both challenges.

* Weigh-in’s for the nutrition challenge and buy-in ($25) are due Wednesday, as well as buy-in ($25) for the Performance WOD. If you can’t make it in then weigh-in/buy-in and make up the WOD by end of day Thursday 1/14 (this is the only make-up day).
When: Official start and weigh-in begins Wed. 1/13 and Challenge ends with a re-test on Thursday 2/11.
We will follow last year’s challenges and rules. You get to choose which ones you participate in.

  • Date: Runs from Wed. 1/13 – Thurs. 2/11
  • Buy-In: $25 per challenge (you can choose which challenge you want to participate in; 1, 2 or both)
    • You could participate in the Performance Challenge and not the Nutrition Challenge. Or vice versa.
  • Nutrition Challenge Weigh-in: In the gym beginning and end of challenge required for Nutrition Challenge only; no weigh-in during. (Stay away from the scale until it’s over)
    • Whole30: If you don’t have one then ask us for a Whole9/SRCF Nutrition Guide and Whole30 Program handout (Comprehensive nutrition guide with practical info on how to implement, shop, prepare, and maintain a Paleo diet as well as a “how to” Whole 30 manual)
    • Cleanse: If you are intending to complete an Advocare 10 Day Cleanse or 10 Day Purium Cleanse then see Michelle to get set up
  • Performance Challenge WOD: You will be paired up with another athlete to serve as your “judge/counter” to ensure everyone gets the most out of their “sweat equity”. We will run two waves each class so you can take turns judging/counting one another.
    • There will be a new change to the WOD along with a different barbell movement this year.
  • One winner in each category: 1) Nutrition Challenge, 2) Performance Challenge
    • Nutrition Winner will be the person with highest % weight loss overall
    • Performance Winner will be the person with the highest % time improved overall on the Performance WOD (scaling will remain the same for test/re-test unless the athlete chooses to move from scaled to RX – this would be your “gamble”)
  • Prizes for the winners will be determined based on how many enter.

Hang Squat Snatch 3-3-2-2-1-1-1 & 50-40-30-20-10: Double Unders, Walking Lunges and AbMat Sit-ups

SnoRidge CF_SnatchHang Squat Snatch 3-3-2-2-1-1-1

Hang Squat Snatch 3-3-2-2-1-1-1

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Rest as needed between sets.

50-40-30-20-10: Double Unders, Walking Lunges and AbMat Sit-ups

50-40-30-20-10 reps, for time of:
Double Under
Walking Lunge
AbMat Sit-up


Photo by @robcwilson

Saer in another pic by Rob made the main site today!


Results cont