Muscle Up Progression Practice & Handstand Push-up Progression Practice & Chipper: Double Unders, Air Squats, Sit-ups, Push-ups, T2B, and HSPU

Muscle Up Progression Practice

Muscle Up Progression

This is not a timed workout.
Spend 15 minutes practicing your MU’s from the appropriate step in the progression. If you already have muscle ups, then practice linking them, or doing them without a false grip.
* Choose MU or HSPU progression/practice

Handstand Push-up Progression Practice

Handstand Push-up progression & practice

This is not a timed workout.
* Practice Open standard (closer to wall, narrower position and heels flat) or progressions: wall walk, HS hold in hollow position, negatives. Use this time to work towards practicing being inverted.

Chipper: Double Unders, Air Squats, Sit-ups, Push-ups, T2B, and HSPU

For time:
100 Double Unders
75 Air Squats
50 AbMat Sit-ups
50 Push-ups
25 Toes To Bars
15 Handstand Push Ups
* Practice Open standard HSPU

Lisa (above) practicing muscle-ups without the straps.  (Kidding she was practicing True Ring push-ups as part of the new Advanced RX test standard for push-ups).
Photos by @robcwilson
Congrats to Chris C. for getting his first muscle-up today!
Director of the Games Dave Castro has announced that the CrossFit community will get to vote on one of three workouts for Open Workout 18.5. Voting begins tomorrow, March 22, at 3pm PT.  Make sure you vote and choose whatever is heavy please!!!  Join us in the lobby for the live stream at 5pm.
18.5 Will Be Community Choice


Results cont