CrossFit Games Open 14.2 / 15.2 & CrossFit Games Open 15.2 – Scaled

Brett N_Open 15.2_by Rob W

CrossFit Games Open 14.2 / 15.2

Workout 15.2
Every 3 minutes for as long as possible complete:
From 0:00-3:00
2 Rounds of:
10 Overhead Squats (95#/65#)
10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
From 3:00-6:00
2 Rounds of:
12 Overhead Squats
12 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
From 6:00-9:00
2 Rounds of:
14 Overhead Squats
14 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
Etc., following same pattern until you fail to complete both rounds.
Teens: OHS (65#/45#) and Pull-ups, starting at the round of 10’s
* Guidance: If you have to scale chest to bar pull-ups, then perform scaled Open 15.2. Score is only the reps completed up until you scale. If you go for RX but do not fit the required 2 rounds of work in the first 3 minutes, immediately scale and continue for additional 3 minute intervals with the applicable scale.

CrossFit Games Open 15.2 – Scaled

Every 3 minutes for as long as possible complete:
From 0:00-3:00
2 Rounds of:
6 Overhead Squats (65#/45#)
6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
From 3:00-6:00
2 Rounds of:
8 Overhead Squats
8 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
From 6:00-9:00
2 Rounds of:
10 Overhead Squats
10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
Etc., following same pattern until you fail to complete both rounds.
* Guidance: If you do not fit the required work in the first 3 minutes, scale and continue for additional 3 minute intervals with the applicable scale. Use normal scale for pull-ups to try to get as many reps/rounds as possible. Score is only the reps completed up until you scale.

Photo by Rob W.
Post rounds and reps completed to comments and/or register and submit your results as part of the 2015 Reebok CrossFit Games Open.
For complete workout standards, video and scorecard click here.

Great energy again tonight in the gym! Lots of PR’s, first time pull-ups, overhead squats, high fives, and floor flopping. Love how everyone pushes and encourages each other to get another rep! Thanks to everyone for judging and remember don’t forget to post your scores.
Wondering why the Open would program Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups, Pull-ups and Overhead Squats in week 2? Remember it’s a test to find the fittest worldwide to qualify for Regionals. Read the SRCF write-up about the 14.2 Announcement last year and how to approach the Open.

Note: Make-ups for registered participants in the Open are Saturday at 10:30am and Monday all AM Classes (6am, 8:30am, 9:30am, and 11:30am).

Inside the Leaderboard: March 6, 2015
Results 15.2 RX
Results 15.2 Scaled

CrossFit Games Open 15.1 & CrossFit Games Open 15.1 – Scaled & CrossFit Games Open 15.1A

Split Jerk_15.1_Tom by Rob W

CrossFit Games Open 15.1

Complete as many rounds as possible in 9 mins of:
15 Toes-to-bars
10 Deadlifts, 115/75 lbs
5 Snatches, 115/75 lbs

Perform both workouts on a 15-minute running clock, start Workout 15.1a immediately after finishing 15.1.
Teens: 85#/55#. If you are in the Open you must have a judge. (RX or scaled)

Snatch_15.1_Amy B by Rob WCrossFit Games Open 15.1 – Scaled

Complete as many rounds as possible in 9 mins of:
15 Hanging Knee Raises
10 Deadlifts, 85/55 lbs
5 Snatches*, 85/55 lbs

* ground-to-overhead allowed
Teens Scaled: 65#/45#.

After 15.1 Immediately Begin

CrossFit Games Open 15.1A

1-rep-max clean and jerk

6 minute time cap
You must use the same bar as 15.1 (no preloaded bars). No help loading. No plates lower than 1/2 lb are allowed. Scores are in 1 lb increments.


T2B_15.1_Rob WSRCF Friday Night Lights is here! What an amazing turnout tonight! It was like a full blown Lego Movie in the gym because everything was AWESOME!

Looking forward to the next four Fridays (not the WOD’s, just the party atmosphere). Thank you everyone for making this day go so smoothly with good cheering, participation, energy and PR’s. Someone said we are gonna need a new bell by the time the Open is over.

If you are registered for the Open make sure you enter your score and enter it correctly! Choose the correct reps/load, RX or Scaled, and submit it by Monday. Double-check it before you send it in as a few have made some mistakes already. Don’t make me chase you down. For those with an iPhone download the Games app.

Inside the Leaderboard: February 27, 2015

CrossFit Games App for iOS Available Now

15.1 Pics by Rob W.

Results RX

Results Scaled

Results cont

Clean and Jerk_15.1_Cyrus by Rob W

"Friday Night Lights" SRCF 2015 CF Games Open Schedule

Chris S_Row_by Rob W

Snatch Grip Deadlift 3-3-3

Snatch Grip Deadlift 3-3-3

3 RFT: Rows, Sit-up (abmat) and Deadlifts

3 rounds for time of:
Row 500m
50 Sit-up (abmat)
15 Deadlifts (225#/155#)

Checkout WOD

Tabata Double Under

The Tabata interval is 20 secs of work followed by 10 secs of rest for 8 intervals.
Tabata score is the total reps performed in all of the intervals.


Photo by Rob W.

CF Games Open:

We are up to 40 people registered for the Open! If you are planning to register still you can click the widget right there on the right side of this page and make it happen.

How will it work?
Starting Thursday, Feb. 26th the CF Games will announce the first Open WOD for the week at 5pm. Every following Thursday for the next four weeks CFHQ will announce the subsequent workouts (for a total of 5 WOD’s). All Open WOD announcements will be broadcast live to the interwebs and streamed on Thursday at 5pm and we will plan to have it on the TV in the lobby for all to come watch in dread and horror.
On Friday of each of the 5 weeks of the Open (Feb. 26 – Mar. 30) the Open WOD will be the workout that we program for our gym. This is our “Friday All-Day & Night Lights”! If you are signed up to compete in the Open make sure you rest on Thursday and hit the workout in any Friday class. We will also be adding a 4pm Friday class to help with the crowd (this class will start on Feb. 27th).
If you aren’t signed up don’t worry just come prepared as usual to workout, but expect the energy level to be high, that some classes will need to run heats to have judges for those registered, and that you will be expected to cheer people on. This time of year is a blast as the whole CrossFit community rallies in their respective gyms to tackle the Open and push one another to challenge their limits.
“Friday All-Day & Night Lights” Open Schedule:

  • 15.1 Announcement on Thursday 2/26 at 5pm. SRCF will program this WOD on Friday 2/27.
  • 15.2 Announcement on Thursday 3/5 at 5pm. SRCF will program this WOD on Friday 3/6.
  • 15.3 Announcement on Thursday 3/12 at 5pm. SRCF will program this WOD on Friday 3/13.
  • 15.4 Announcement on Thursday 3/19 at 5pm. SRCF will program this WOD on Friday 3/20.
  • 15.5 Announcement on Thursday 3/26 at 5pm. SRCF will program this WOD on Friday 3/27.
    • Score submission for registered athletes due each Monday NLT 5pm.
    • Make sure you REMEMBER to submit your score EACH WEEK by the deadline. Every year people are eliminated for simply forgetting to submit their score in time.

We will have limited Saturday make-ups at 10:45am only for registered competitors who could not make it in on Friday (subject to judge availability). You can also make up the Open WOD on Monday’s at the AM classes. If you can make to any class on Friday please do it then. If you have circumstances that prevent that then please coordinate with us in advance!
No make-ups for anyone who hasn’t registered. Right now we have 40 who are registered and it will grow.
Final Note(s):
Only under extreme circumstances do we encourage or allow someone to repeat an Open WOD. Think you have a shot at making it to Regionals or the next level of the Masters? Then you should already know who you are, have a plan around filming your WOD’s (if you don’t know this then you probably aren’t going to the next level), and know when and why you would want to request to repeat a WOD. Don’t expect to “redo” it just because you want 5 more reps and it feels good today or you want to go since someone else is making it up. We have to make arrangements and adjustments to line up judges/change the schedule and simply wanting to wait an extra day or get 3 more wall balls isn’t going to cut it. Think of the Open as “One and Done” and it will be a more enjoyable experience for all.
If you want to be a better judge during the Open then please consider taking the Online Judges Course.
Last, submit your score ON TIME. I do not want to chase you down for 5 weeks. Be responsible and manage this for yourself.
More questions? Go to this link to read more about the 2015 CrossFit Games Open.


Results cont

Every 1 min for 10 mins: Squat Clean & 4 RFT: 400 m, Thrusters and Chest-to-bar Pull-ups & Skill WOD: Double Unders

Gene Simmons WannabeEvery 1 min for 10 mins: Squat Clean

1 Squat Clean, pick load

Every 1 min for 10 mins.

4 RFT: 400 m, Thrusters and Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

4 rounds for time of:
Run, 400 m
10 Thrusters (95#/65#)
10 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

Post WOD: Skill Work: Double Unders

This workout is not for time or reps. Goal is to practice your double under skill and speed.


Today after the WOD Keith and I were sitting outside on the curb and he was telling me what got him to try CrossFit.  He was in Alaska on a heli-ski vacation and there were some CrossFitters who were there filming a documentary show called InFlux.  He said in the base camp they scheduled a mobility/CF WOD to help pass the time while waiting for the skiing/boarding conditions to be right. He decided to go give it a try and did his first WOD in an old cannery. The WOD was air squats, push-ups and ball slams. He liked the experience enough that when he got home to Snoqualmie he did a web search for CrossFit and found us and immediately signed up for our OnRamp.

He was telling me he was anxious to see how the show turned out and figured it would be out soon.  Coincidentally tonight published it. Not only is it a really well filmed and cool series, but Keith gets a couple cameo shots during the WOD part of the video. I’m glad his experience brought him here and it’s cool to see it on video.

If you are a skier, snowboarder, or outdoor sports enthusiast, this is worth watching.

inFlux: Episode 2.1” – CrossFit Journal [video]


Results cont


Skill Work: Rope Climb Practice & "White"

Rope CLimb_Josh H

 Toes to Bar_Josh St


Skill Work: Rope Climb Progressions, Rope Climb Practice

Rope Climb Progression
Rope Climb

Focus on foot lock and technique.


5 rounds for time of:
3 Rope Climbs, 15 ft
10 Toes To Bars
21 Overhead Walking Lunge With Plates (45#/25#)
Run 400m

Optional Checkout

A single set of Double Unders for max reps.


“U.S. Army First Lieutenant Ashley White, 24, of Alliance, Ohio, assigned to the 230th Brigade Support Battalion, 30th Heavy Brigade Combat Team, North Carolina National Guard, based in Goldsboro, North Carolina, died on October 22, 2011 in Kandahar province, Afghanistan, from wounds suffered when insurgents attacked her unit with an improvised explosive device. She is survived by her husband Captain Jason Stumpf, her parents Robert and Deborah, brother Josh, and sister Brittney.” ~

CF Games Open Registration Count:
Team SRCF = 28

The Skinny on Fats


Results cont

Deadlift 3-3-3 & Diane: Deadlifts and Handstand Push-ups


Deadlift 3-3-3

Deadlift 3-3-3



21-15-9 reps, for time of:
Deadlift (225#/155#)
Handstand Push-up

* Choose “Diane” or other version with different rep scheme.

15-12-9-6-3: Deadlifts and Handstand Push-ups

15-12-9-6-3 reps, for time of:
Deadlift (225#/155#)
Handstand Push-up


Today was a choice of metabolic conditioning workouts. You could go with the classic CrossFit benchmark “Diane” (one of the Girls), or complete the same amount of work but in a different rep scheme of 15-12-9-6-3 of each.  Why?  Because “Diane” can be a huge challenge for many when the initial set of 21 is completed. With the handstand push-ups suddenly exhausted, the WOD transitions suddenly drag out and you find yourself standing there shaking out your arms wondering how you will get another one. By splitting the reps into sets with a more manageable scheme, it keeps you moving.

The Open announcement match-ups and locations have been announced (see below link). While none will be here in the Puget Sound this year, the match-ups are intriguing and the first week kicks it off with Froning vs. Fraser.

2015 Live Open Announcement Venues and Athletes


Results cont

Pic of Travis (on the right) by the strong guy on the left (which I took).

Rob W_DL Travis_KB Press_Photo by Rob

Advanced RX Class: Snatch Balance 1-1-1-1-1 & Close Grip Snatch 1-1-1-1-1 & AMRAP 8 mins: Muscle-ups, Deadlifts and Wall Balls

Advanced RX Class:

Lisa_Snatch Twerk

Snatch Balance 1-1-1-1-1

Snatch Balance 1-1-1-1-1

Close Grip Snatch 1-1-1-1-1

Close Grip Snatch 1-1-1-1-1

* After Snatch Balance 1-1-1-1-1, use a “clean” grip and work on speed under the bar, upright torso and fast turnover.

AMRAP 8 mins: Muscle-ups, Deadlifts and Wall Balls

Complete as many rounds as possible in 8 mins of:
3 Muscle-ups
5 Deadlifts (255#/165#)
7 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
* Sub Jumping MU

Stop the Slop WOD Performance Challenge 3.0 & Skill WOD: Double Unders


SRCF “Stop the Slop WOD” Performance Challenge 3.0

For time:
Run 400m
30 Air Squats
20 AbMat Sit-ups
10 Push-up (hand release)
5 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
10 Power Snatches (135#/95#)
30 Air Squats
20 AbMat Sit-ups
10 Push-up (hand release)
5 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
10 Power Clean & Jerks (135#/95#)
30 Air Squats
20 AbMat Sit-ups
10 Push-up (hand release)
5 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
Run 400m

Movement standards:
1. HR Push-up: Must keep toes on the ground and return to a plank each rep. Thighs must leave the ground. No “worm” or “rocking” allowed.
2. AbMat sit-up: Must touch floor behind the head and return to touch toes
3. Chest-to-Bar Pull-up: Full arm extension, chest touches bar below clavicle
4. Squat: Hip crease below top of knee, open hips at top
5. Power Snatch: Must snatch barbell continuously overhead (no stop at the shoulders i.e. C&J) and stand with open hips before lowering barbell
6. Power Clean & Jerk: Must power clean barbell to the shoulders, push or split jerk and stand with open hips and feet in line before lowering barbell

Post WOD Skills: Double Unders

Not for time or reps. Goal is to practice your double under skill and speed.


Photo by Rob W.

Virtuosity“: Doing the common uncommonly well.

Virtuosity with Chuck Carswell – [video]

Today was our retest after the Stop the Slop Challenge.  30 days for you to practice virtuosity by cleaning up your nutrition, working out more often, improving technique and form, and resting better. For those who participated I hope you saw improvements, either in physical or mental achievements. Keep up the discipline and build on the improvements you have made.

Many of you competed in either the Performance Challenge or the Nutrition Challenge. For those who didn’t make it in today you have until tomorrow for  your WOD makeup or weigh-in. Please ensure you have paid your “buy-in” as well. Once we have all scores I will calculate and announce the winners by the end of the week.


Results cont

AMRAP 20 mins: 400m, Push Press and Box Jumps & AMReps 2 mins: Hollow Rocks

Curtis_Push PressAMRAP 20 mins: 400 m, Push Press and Box Jumps

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 mins of:
Run 400m
15 Push Press (95#/65#)
15 Box Jumps (24″/20″)


AMReps 2 mins: Hollow Rocks

As many reps as possible in 2 mins of:
Hollow Rock


Frank vs. Hollow Rocks. I would say the Hollow Rocks won.



Results cont

Thruster 2-2-2 & Chipper: Thrusters, 200 m, Thrusters and 3 more & Pull-ups : Max Set

Plate HogThruster 2-2-2

Thruster 2-2-2

Chipper: Thrusters, 200 m, Thrusters and 3 more

For time:
15 Thrusters (135#/95#)
Run 200m
20 Thrusters (95#/65#)
Run 400m
30 Thrusters (65#/45#)
Run 800m

Post total time.

Pull-ups : Max Set

A single set of Pull-ups for max reps.


If you were looking for 10 lb. plates today ask Josh since he apparently hogged almost all of them.

Sign up for the Open and beat Froning!

CF Games Open: It’s Time


Results cont