AMRAP 18 mins: Run, Power Cleans and Rows & Team WOD: AMRAP 22 mins: Runs, Power Cleans and Rows

AMRAP 18 mins: Run, Power Cleans and Rows

Complete as many rounds as possible in 18 mins of:
Run 400m
10 Power Cleans (165#/115#)
Row 500m

Team WOD: AMRAP 22 mins: Runs, Power Cleans and Rows

As a team of 2 complete as many rounds as possible in 22 mins of:
Run 200m
10 Power Cleans (135#/95#)
Row 250m/225m
* Alternate each movement with your partner.

Photo by @robcwilson @snoridgecrossfit


Deadlift 4RM & AMRAP 12 mins: Double Unders, Wall Balls and Deadlifts

Deadlift 4RM

Record your best Deadlift 4 rep max lift.

Only include the heaviest 4 rep, do not include sets prior to it.

AMRAP 12 mins: Double Unders, Wall Balls and Deadlifts

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 mins of:
30 Double Unders
15 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
10 Deadlifts (185#/135#)

Photo by @robcwilson

Strict Pull-ups: 3×10 & FT: Rows and Power Snatch Chipper

Strict Pull-ups: 3×10

Strict Pull-ups 3×10

Rest as needed between sets.
* 3 sets of 10 strict PU or scale to a number you can do for all three sets or complete 3 x 10 supine ring rows.

FT: Rows and Power Snatch Chipper

For time:
Row 500m
25 Power Snatches (75#/55#)
Row 400m
20 Power Snatches
Row 300m
15 Power Snatches
Row 200m
10 Power Snatches
Row 100m
5 Power Snatches

Photo by @robcwilson

Wodapalooza is underway and after Day 1 the leaders are:

  • Elite Men – Patrick Vellner
  • Elite Women – Tia Clair Toomey (with Kristin Holte right behind her)
  • Elite Teams – CrossFit Mayhem…. wait, no it’s Team ROMWOD/WIT made up of four prior Games athletes Alec Smith, Jess Griffith, Cody Mooney, and Jamie Greene.  Mayhem Freedom is way down in a tie for 6th after a pretty poor day 1 (there are only 13 teams competing).

Kristin Holte Leads Wodapalooza After Event 2
Results cont

Deadlift 5-5-5 & FT: Hang Power Cleans, Ring Dips and Rope Climbs

Deadlift 5-5-5

Deadlift 5-5-5

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Rest as needed between sets.

Snoridge CrossFit_Rope ClimbsFT: Hang Power Cleans, Ring Dips and Rope Climbs

For time:
30 Hang Power Cleans (115#/75#)
15 Ring Dips
3 Rope Climbs, 15 ft
— then —
2 rounds of:
20 Hang Power Cleans
10 Ring Dips
2 Rope Climbs, 15 ft
— then —
3 rounds of:
10 Hang Power Cleans
5 Ring Dips
1 Rope Climb, 15 ft

CrossFit Games Open 14.5 / 16.5

CrossFit Games Open 14.5 / 16.5

Workout 16.5 / Workout 14.5 
“Thrusters Suck and Buck Furpees”
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Thrusters (95#/65#)
Burpees (Bar Facing)
Post time to comments and/or submit your score as part of the 2016 Reebok CrossFit Games Open.

SnoRidge CrossFit_Open 16_5
Photo by @robcwilson
Make-ups for 16.5 are Saturday at 10:30am or any of the Monday classes prior to 5pm PST.  Submit your scores!
The slugfest is over and the Open is almost closed for everyone. Starting next week the 6am class schedule will shift to Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs class times and no early Friday class.
Update Show: 16.5 Live Open Announcement Recap
Results Open WOD 16.5 Registered Athletes

Shoulder Press 3-3-3-3-3 & Chipper: Walking Lunges, Ball Slams, Box Jumps and 4 more

Shoulder Press 3-3-3-3-3

Shoulder Press 3-3-3-3-3

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Rest as needed between sets.

SnoRidge CrossFit_Box JumpChipper: Walking Lunges, Ball Slams, Box Jumps and 4 more

For time:
100 Walking Lunges
75 Ball Slams (30#/20#)
50 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
25 Pull-ups
50 Push Press (45#/33#)
75 AbMat Sit-ups
100 Air Squats


Photo by @robcwilson

The site is finally back up!  Thanks to Joe for the assist in getting WordPress to fix our site.

The video below is a good perspective on the Open.  Why do I push everyone to sign up?  Watch Coach Glassman in this video talk about the Open and that is why. This event is our gym’s Games.  Our Friday Night Lights wouldn’t come close to being as fun if no one signed up.  Participating in the Open is different and more meaningful than just showing up for the workout. Don’t just show up. Be a part of the process. There is actually no reason not to (short of being injured).

Our current athlete count is 22.  I know there are over 20 more should be signed up.  Don’t wait.  When you register make sure you select our Affiliate so you can be on the team.

“Open to the World” with Coach Glassman – [video]


Results cont

Every 1 min for 10 mins: Power Cleans and Squat Cleans & CrossFit Games Open 13.4

Every 1 min for 10 mins: Power Cleans and Squat Cleans

Every 1 min for 10 mins do:
1 Power Clean
1 Squat Clean

SnoRidge CrossFit_Assault BikeCrossFit Games Open 13.4

As many reps in 7 mins as you can of:
3 Clean & Jerks (135#/95#)
3 Toes To Bars
6 Clean & Jerks
6 Toes To Bars
9 Clean & Jerks
9 Toes To Bars
12 Clean & Jerks
12 Toes To Bars
15 Clean & Jerks
15 Toes To Bars
18 Clean & Jerks
18 Toes To Bars

If you complete the round of 18, go on to 21. If you complete 21, go on to 24, etc.


Photo by @robcwilson


Results cont