Alt EMOM 14 mins: Squat Snatch and Handstand Walk Practice & 12-10-8-6: Squat Snatches, Bar Muscle-ups and Lateral Burpees

Alt EMOM 14 mins: Squat Snatch and Handstand Walk Practice

Every 1 min for 14 mins, alternating between:
1 Squat Snatch (Pick load)
Handstand Walk Practice (30 sec)

12-10-8-6: Squat Snatches, Bar Muscle-ups and Lateral Burpees

12-10-8-6 reps, for time of:
Squat Snatch (115#/85#)
Bar Muscle-up
Lateral Burpee

Photo by @snoridgecrossfit

SRCF Team Count: 9

Register for the 2023 NOBULL CrossFit Games Open and Receive $25 Toward a Purchase of $99 or More at NOBULL

Get signed up for the Open: February 16 – March 6.

Let’s see how many people we can get on the roster and see if we can represent in the pilot of the brand new CrossFit Affiliate Community Cup!

How it Works

CrossFit HQ will keep track of all gym performances in the Open, and each week we receive a weekly score report outlining which affiliate is in the lead for the following divisions:

  • Overall 
  • Rx’d Individual 
  • Scaled 
  • Foundations
  • Rx’d Masters 
  • Rx’d Teen 
  • Adaptive 

Scoring Details

  • The Overall Champion will be scored based on total reps and/or fastest times accumulated across all divisions.
  • The Individual Division Champion will be scored by the sum of the top 10 scores of the individual men’s and women’s Rx’d workouts.
  • The Scaled Division Champion will be scored by the sum of the top five scores of the individual men’s and women’s scaled workouts.
  • The Foundations Division Champion will be scored by the sum of the top two scores of the men’s and women’s foundations workouts.
  • The Masters Division Champion will be scored by the sum of the top two scores in each age group (i.e., 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65+) for masters men and women, Rx’d.
  • The Teen Division Champion will be scored by the sum of the top two scores in each age group (i.e., 14-15 and 16-17) for teenage boys and girls, Rx’d.
  • The Adaptive Division Champion will be determined by the greatest number of adaptive division scores submitted by an affiliate across three weeks of competition.

At the end of the Open, the top three affiliates in each category with the most points will win a Community Cup champion banner to fly proudly in their gym.

How to Watch 2023 TYR Wodapalooza and Schedule of Events


Team WOD: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3: Partner Deadlifts, Bar Facing Burpees and C2B Pull-ups & Solo WOD: 15-12-9-6: Deadlifts, Bar Facing Burpees, and C2B Pull-ups & Checkout WOD: 21-18-15: AbMat Sit-ups, Hollow Rocks, and Flutter Kicks

Team WOD: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3: Partner Deadlifts, Bar Facing Burpees and C2B Pull-ups

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps, for time of:
Partner Deadlift, pick load
Bar Facing Burpee
Chest-to-bar Pull-up

Solo WOD: 15-12-9-6: Deadlifts, Bar Facing Burpees, and C2B Pull-ups

15-12-9-6 reps, for time of:
Deadlift, 225/155 lbs
Bar Facing Burpee
Chest-to-bar Pull-up

Checkout WOD: 21-18-15: AbMat Sit-ups, Hollow Rocks, and Flutter Kicks

21-18-15 reps, for time of:
AbMat Sit-up
Hollow Rock
Flutter Kick

Photo by @snoridgecrossfit

Schedule Change:

We are cancelling the 6:30am classes starting 12/8 due to coaching changes and attendance. Please try to come to other class times!


SRCF Ugly Christmas Sweater Party and Potluck

  • Next Saturday 12/17 at 6:30pm
  • Bring a food dish or dessert to share
  • Wear a holiday themed sweater or other attire
  • Check the Facebook groups for Event Details and to RSVP

Register for the 2023 NOBULL CrossFit Games Open and Receive $25 Toward a Purchase of $99 or More at NOBULL

Get signed up as the Open is here in February!


Push Press 6-6-6-6 & AMRAP 10 mins: Box Jumps, Push Press and Deadlifts

Push Press 6-6-6-6

Push Press 6-6-6-6

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Rest as needed between sets.

AMRAP 10 mins: Box Jumps, Push Press and Deadlifts

Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 mins of:
15 Box Jumps
10 Push Press (115#/85#)
15 Deadlifts (115#/85#)

Photo by @snoridgecrossfit

Registration for the 2023 Open Is Now Live!

The largest fitness event in the world starts Feb. 16, 2023. Earlier than ever before, registration for the 2023 NOBULL CrossFit Games Open is now live.

No matter your fitness level, the Open is for everyone. This is an all-inclusive worldwide event that brings together CrossFit athletes from around the globe to test their fitness and experience the magic of the CrossFit community.

If you’ve never tried CrossFit, training for the Open is a great place to start. And whether you are striving to become the Fittest on Earth, want to challenge yourself and set a fitness goal, or enjoy the fun of a community event with your friends at your gym, the Open is for you. Register now.


Back Squat 4-4-4 & FT: Rows, Wall Balls, and Push-ups (Hand Release)

Back Squat 4-4-4

Back Squat 4-4-4

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Rest as needed between sets.

FT: Rows, Wall Balls, and Push-ups (Hand Release)

For time:
Row 500m
50 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
50 Push-up (hand release)
Row 500m
25 Wall Balls
25 Push-up (hand release)

Photo by @snoridgecrossfit


SRCF Ugly Christmas Sweater Party and Potluck

  • 12/17 at 6:30pm
  • Check the Facebook groups for Event Details and to RSVP


Results cont

Overhead Squat 5-5-5 & 21-15-9: Sumo Deadlift High Pulls and Overhead Squats

Overhead Squat 5-5-5

Overhead Squat 5-5-5

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Rest as needed between sets.

21-15-9: Sumo Deadlift High Pulls and Overhead Squats

21-15-9 reps, for time of:
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95#/65#)
Overhead Squat (95#/65#)

Photo by @snoridgecrossfit


Thanksgiving week hours are as follows:

  • 11/21 Mon – 11/22 Tues: Regular schedule
  • 11/23 Wednesday: (Limited classes below, all others cancelled)
    • 5:30am
    • 9:30am
    • 11:30am
    • 4:00pm
  • 11/24 Thursday: Closed
  • 11/25 Friday: (Limited classes below, all others cancelled)
    • 9:30am
    • 11:30am
  • 11/26 Saturday: Regular schedule

2022 Zelos Games Recap: Tudor Magda and Andrea Nisler Take Las Vegas Event


Results cont

Single Arm Bent Over Row 8-8-8-8 & Ring Dips 8-8-6-6 & 4 RF-ME / 1 min Stations: HSPU, Alternating Single Devil Press, and Box Jump Overs

Single Arm Bent Over Row 8-8-8-8

Single Arm Bent Over Row 8-8-8-8

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Rest as needed between sets.

Ring Dips 8-8-6-6

Ring Dips 8-8-6-6

Rest as needed between efforts.

4 RF-ME / 1 min Stations: HSPU, Alternating Single Devil Press, and Box Jump Overs

4 rounds, 1 min per station, for max reps of:
Handstand Push-up
Alternating Single Arm Devil Press (50#/35#)
Box Jump Over
Rest 1 min

Rotate immediately to the next station every 1 min,
the clock does not stop or reset between stations.

Photo  by @snoridgecrossfit

How to Watch the 2022 Rogue Invitational and Schedule of Events


Back Squat: 5RM & 21-15-9: Burpee Box Jump Overs and Kettlebell Swings

Back Squat: 5RM

Log your best Back Squat 5 rep max lift.

Only log the heaviest 5 rep, do not include sets prior to it.

21-15-9: Burpee Box Jump Overs and Kettlebell Swings

21-15-9 reps, for time of:
Burpee Box Jump Over (24″/20″)
Kettlebell Swing (70#/53#)

Photo by @snoridgecrossfit

Mark your calendars.

The Open starts Feb. 16, 2023.

The 2023 NOBULL CrossFit Games kick off the week of July 31, 2023.


Results cont

Front Squat 1-1-1 & 7 RFT: Power Cleans, Thrusters and Lateral Burpees

Front Squat 1-1-1

Front Squat 1-1-1

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Rest as needed between sets.

7 RFT: Power Cleans, Thrusters and Lateral Burpees

7 rounds for time of:
7 Power Cleans (95#/65#)
7 Thrusters (95#/65#)
7 Lateral Burpee (Over Barbell)

Photo by @snoridgecrossfit


8/24 Wednesday:

Sam’s tribute WOD “Saimo” will be programmed tomorrow.

  • Wear blue!
  • Rope climbs = covered shins

8/27 Saturday:

SRCF Olympic Lifting Clinic
When: 8/27 Saturday 9:45am-11:15am
Where: SRCF
Cost: $20 (Register via MindBody – we will bill after registration)
Led by Coaches Julianna , Reid and Zeke
  • This Oly clinic will focus on the Snatch and the Snatch progression. Building from the Overhead Squat, the coaches will teach progressions through both power and squat snatch. The focus will be on technique over load and emphasize bar path, speed and positioning.
  • This will not be a “strength session” or lifting day. This is intended to improve your skill, technique and speed so that you come away with a solid foundation to make gains and PR’s. Expect to master a PVC and barbell and light loads with full range of motion before adding any weight.


Results cont

Front Squat 2-2-ME & FT: Run, Thrusters, and Rope Climbs

Front Squat 2-2-ME

Front Squat 2-2-ME

Use the same weight for each set.
Rest as needed between sets.

FT: Run, Thrusters, and Rope Climbs

For time:
Run 200m
18 Thrusters (75#/55#)
4 Rope Climbs
Run 200m
15 Thrusters (95#/65#)
3 Rope Climbs
Run 200m
12 Thrusters (115#/75#)
2 Rope Climbs
Run 200m
9 Thrusters (135#/95#)
1 Rope Climb
* Use mats, change load as you go. Scale 1 RC to 2 Supine RC

Photo by @snoridgecrossfit

SRCF Olympic Lifting Clinic
When: 8/27 Saturday 9:45am-11:15am
Where: SRCF
Cost: $20 (Register via MindBody avail starting 8/15)
Led by Coaches Julianna , Reid and Zeke
  • This Oly clinic will focus on the Snatch and the Snatch progression. Building from the Overhead Squat, the coaches will teach progressions through both power and squat snatch. The focus will be on technique over load and emphasize bar path, speed and positioning.
  • This will not be a “strength session” or lifting day. This is intended to improve your skill, technique and speed so that you come away with a solid foundation to make gains and PR’s. Expect to master a PVC and barbell and light loads with full range of motion before adding any weight.


Clean & Jerk: 8 Min to find 1RM & Team or Solo: Eva Strong

Clean & Jerk: 8 Min to find 1RM

Log your best Clean & Jerk 1 rep max lift.

Only log the heaviest 1 rep, do not include sets prior to it.

Team or Solo: Eva Strong

With a partner, 5 rounds for time of:
24 Double Unders (each)
19 Toes-to-bars (total)
2 Clean & Jerks (205#/135#)
Run 400m (together)

Double Unders are completed at the same time, partners don’t move on until both finish. Toes-to-bars and Clean & Jerks are divided between partners. Run is completed together.

In honor of slain Uvalde teacher Eva Mireles. Mireles was one of two teachers killed along with 19 students at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. The 44-year-old was an avid CrossFitter who regularly attended Shotgun CrossFit in the same county. Mireles was killed protecting her 4th-grade students and had been a teacher in the district for 17 years.

Photo by @snoridgecrossfit

In Honor of Eva Mireles
